Im tired of wont update my apps automatically if im not on wifi
and every download invokes this warning window.
I dont need it, i want to download when i press the download button.. :-)
Is there any way to avoid it?
I find that the biggest issue is all the small tiny wakelocks you see even the device is off, its awake for many shrot periods, from google account/ xiaomi
It really is bad,
however, maybe its that msm_hsic_host bug by quallcomm, its been told that this bug is fixed but i still suffer from alot of wakelocks caused by it.
did it improve to you after changing to WIUI?
Wajk, About control suite - I saw a minute after ..sadly i missed in the first time :-)
anyway, *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* is not as a replacement but as an addition, as it gives photosphere, and miui camera for the rest
its not an issue to install it separately, of course..just an idea :)
Sounds nice. why 3.2.8b?
whats the 'b' stands for?
also, i wonder, project vaxillum, is it built in in the regular roms or something you added personally? If so, How do I get it myself?
I dont know him, but if you still have an option to cancel, I recommended two pages ago a great seller from alibaba which is very cheap
I bought 3 devices from there, great & original
All those internet-related apps im familiar with,
i was just wondering (a friend asked) if its also possible in the traditional way, carrier video call
unless its hidden somewhere in the phone, because i couldn't find it
it was hard enough to ship it from china to israel..go easy on me :-)
Of course,im a buyer only if its keeps its height-width sizes. its the best ever.
Its nice the green-ish look in the website..:-) to make you used to the new V5..hehe