- 7 Apr 2011
- 299
- 52
ALL IN ONE Miui 3.2.8 for Mi2
now also on Custom-Android.de
This is nothing special. I hate it only to flash always the Rom, the Language Pack, the Control Panel, Google Apps, every week the same. Therefore, I tried to create a Rom which has it all in and does it for you. I am doing it mostly for the German Community, but why not also promoting it here, because everybody can benefit from it.
FEATURES :::::::::::::::::::::
- Miuiandroid.com Version 3.2.8
- Aroma Installer Support
- Language Pack 3.2.8
- Control Panel Suite 3.8
- Build.prop Tweaks
- No China Bloatware
- Google Apps for Miui
- Google Now Support
- Google Photosphere Camera + Gallery
- AOKP 4.2 Keyboard with Swype Feature
- System1 Bootanimation
- Standard Theme with over 3400 Icons ( Project Vexillum ) + and some own Icons
- Adware Free with the latest hosts file
- some Extra Wallpaper & Lockscreens
- some Extra Sound
- some fixes and Extra translations
Big thanks to Miuiandroid.com and all translators. Like in the original Miuiandroid with Language Pack this are the supported languages:
English, Chinese, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Danish, Russian, Arabic, Ukrainian, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Greek, Turkish, Vietnamese,
INSTALLATION ::::::::::::::::::::
Method 1
- download the File and copy it on your internal Memory, just on the top of every folder
- boot into Recovery Menu ( with Volume Up + Power during start, wait until the Logo appears and let the buttons go, or just with the Updater App and pressing Menu Button )
- I recommend to wipe cache, but it should also go without
- than click on "install update.zip" and wait until Aroma appears
- make your choices and reboot. Remember it is installed into the System 1. If you are right now in System 2 you have to boot into System 1
- after everything is finished go into Settings -> Developer Options ON -> search for Window Animation and the 2 under it, set it to 0.5, this will look faster
*usually you could also install the Rom with Updater App. Press Menu Button and search for the Installationspackage. But I recommend Method 1*
INFO !!! it should be installed with an existing Miuiandroid.com Version. Usually it should also work with an JBL Version, but I recommend to have an Miuiandroid.com Version on your phone.
BUGS ::::::::::::::::::::::::
- Aroma Installer can freeze sometimtes. Just press on the screen or reboot with Power Button.
Download AIO Miui 3.2.8
CREDITS :::::::::::::::::::
Big thanks goes to Miui.com, Miuiandroid.com, Miuiaustralia.com, XDA Developers, Android-Hilfe.de, and everybody who made this possible.
And a really big thanks goes to MarkHUK, ingbrzy, FUSIONJACK, KlotziDotCom, bitti06, m11kaa, Google_Nutzer, Wajk and everybody I forgot.
have fun with it