[Rom] AIO Miui 3.2.8 *just for the lazy ones*


7 Apr 2011

ALL IN ONE Miui 3.2.8 for Mi2

now also on Custom-Android.de


This is nothing special. I hate it only to flash always the Rom, the Language Pack, the Control Panel, Google Apps, every week the same. Therefore, I tried to create a Rom which has it all in and does it for you. I am doing it mostly for the German Community, but why not also promoting it here, because everybody can benefit from it.

FEATURES :::::::::::::::::::::

  • Miuiandroid.com Version 3.2.8
  • Aroma Installer Support
  • Language Pack 3.2.8
  • Control Panel Suite 3.8
  • Build.prop Tweaks
  • No China Bloatware
  • Google Apps for Miui
  • Google Now Support
  • Google Photosphere Camera + Gallery
  • AOKP 4.2 Keyboard with Swype Feature
  • System1 Bootanimation
  • Standard Theme with over 3400 Icons ( Project Vexillum ) + and some own Icons
  • Adware Free with the latest hosts file
  • some Extra Wallpaper & Lockscreens
  • some Extra Sound
  • some fixes and Extra translations
LANGUAGES :::::::::::::::::::::

Big thanks to Miuiandroid.com and all translators. Like in the original Miuiandroid with Language Pack this are the supported languages:

English, Chinese, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Danish, Russian, Arabic, Ukrainian, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Slovak, Czech, Greek, Turkish, Vietnamese,

INSTALLATION ::::::::::::::::::::

Method 1

  1. download the File and copy it on your internal Memory, just on the top of every folder
  2. boot into Recovery Menu ( with Volume Up + Power during start, wait until the Logo appears and let the buttons go, or just with the Updater App and pressing Menu Button )
  3. I recommend to wipe cache, but it should also go without
  4. than click on "install update.zip" and wait until Aroma appears
  5. make your choices and reboot. Remember it is installed into the System 1. If you are right now in System 2 you have to boot into System 1
  6. after everything is finished go into Settings -> Developer Options ON -> search for Window Animation and the 2 under it, set it to 0.5, this will look faster
Methode 2

*usually you could also install the Rom with Updater App. Press Menu Button and search for the Installationspackage. But I recommend Method 1*

INFO !!! it should be installed with an existing Miuiandroid.com Version. Usually it should also work with an JBL Version, but I recommend to have an Miuiandroid.com Version on your phone.

BUGS ::::::::::::::::::::::::

  • Aroma Installer can freeze sometimtes. Just press on the screen or reboot with Power Button.
DOWNLOAD :::::::::::::::::::

Download AIO Miui 3.2.8

CREDITS :::::::::::::::::::

Big thanks goes to Miui.com, Miuiandroid.com, Miuiaustralia.com, XDA Developers, Android-Hilfe.de, and everybody who made this possible.

And a really big thanks goes to MarkHUK, ingbrzy, FUSIONJACK, KlotziDotCom, bitti06, m11kaa, Google_Nutzer, Wajk and everybody I forgot.

have fun with it
Reserverd for the moment, the Rom should be ready tonight.

BUT do you guys have any wishes ??????
Sounds nice. why 3.2.8b?
whats the 'b' stands for?
also, i wonder, project vaxillum, is it built in in the regular roms or something you added personally? If so, How do I get it myself?
Oh sorry, copied this post from my old 3.1.19b post from Android-Hilfe.de and forgot to delete the b. Because I made already a 3.1.19 AIO Rom. But the new 3.2.8 will be way better.

Project Vexillum uses the same method to build Themes, mtz files. But as Miui V4 has already a nice design and they not changing much I take only the icons. I also change some Icons by myself, because I don't like the design of some Icons, could be done better. And adding some new Icons from me, which will be soon or later also available in the official ProjectVexillum Theme.

If you need them just take it from system/media/theme/default/icons
i will try this version
i am using the rom from this website + from the Mui FR web site
because i am french
How can i get russian T9 works with this ROM?
tried to :
1) delete all contacts and sync again with google account
2) rebuild t9 index in contacts-settings
3) delete cache of contact.apk (or phone.apk, dont remember)
i had installed 3.5.3 v5 rom for my xiaomi mi2
then i have installed this rom (3.2.8) but now my phone doesn't open
i saw that "Once you updated to QDT07/JLB14/3.3.29 Then you can't downgrade to earlier versionsof V5 or V4."
what can i do please help me
i had installed 3.5.3 v5 rom for my xiaomi mi2
then i have installed this rom (3.2.8) but now my phone doesn't open
i saw that "Once you updated to QDT07/JLB14/3.3.29 Then you can't downgrade to earlier versionsof V5 or V4."
what can i do please help me

You can but you have to wipe your data before downgrading
You can but you have to wipe your data before downgrading
Actually you can't downgrade unless you patch the old rom with new kernel. Because in new versions the touchscreen firmware is updated which is not compatible with old kernel. Boot to recovey and install any new rom and it will be OK
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I can not boot to recovery
when I press the power button or volume+ and power buttons together, only seen mi logo on the screen and notting happens

sorry for my english