[ROM | 4.1.1][ | WIUI | ][ 4.8.29 - FiNAL ] - MULTiLanguage | v4 | v5 | AROMA |


29 Jun 2011

We have best MIUI support over the World, so this ROM not big deal.
I implemented some improvements into ROM to myself and I share with you.
If you like it, use it.
If you like what I do, press Like and/or bring me coffee.
That give me extra power for continue.

JLB7/JLB14 based Experimental versions in the post #3
- based on latest MIUIandroid ROM
- multilanguage support
- Aroma support (Stock kernel, MiCore kernel, CPU MODs, framework animations... more options coming soon)
- added init.d support
- added sysctl support
- added zipalign support
- added fstrim support
- added ClockworkMod Recovery
- improved camera settings
- enabled 4x SlowMotion (only for Mi2)
- more readable screen in outside
- optimized AutoBacklight settings
- added some extra home grids to Launcher (4x6,5x5,5x6,6x5,6x6)
- more precise volume control
Call volume steps changed from 5 to 7
System volume steps changed from 7 to 15
Media volume steps changed from 15 to 30

- added 4-way reboot options
- added improved 4.2 keyboard

Swype & 20+ language support
Very fast input speed
Blue color replaced to white/orange)

- increased video quality
- optimized framework and apps
- optimized animations
- optimized system settings
- optimized battery usage
- removed unneeded services
- updated Google Apps
- patched hosts
- tweaks

WiUi v5 JB 4.8.29 FiNAL

Previous versions
JLB based Experimental versions in the post #3
Install notes:
1. if you are coming from other ROM than WiUi and you didn't flash CWM Recovery
- download the latest WiUi ROM
- flash the latest Recovery from here via Updater app
- power off your phone
- use power+volup for enter to Recovery
- flash WIUI_JB_Mi2_4_x_xx.zip to system1 or system2
- use Wipe Cache and Advanced/Wipe Dalvik Cache
2. if you're on WiUi ROM, follow this steps
- download the latest WiUi ROM
- restart your device into CWM Recovery
- flash WIUI_JB_Mi2_4_x_xx.zip to system1 or system2

WiUi v4 JB 3.2.22 FiNAL

updated on 2013.09.17.
Final v4 reuploaded with fixed ramdisk! Thnx to M1cha
No need downgrade, but you need to do Wipe Data if you coming from v5.
Or use TrueDualBoot!
Downloads: 77.190+ |overall| 1000+ DLs/ROM |avarage|
Releases: 44 ROMs
Like/Thanks: 994
Donations: 9
Donators: JohnR, MagoSaGazzu, erlkönig, davfiala, Viio, vavroch, geert74, cocobot, Barbuti17 ... BiG thnx, guys!
Development: 2013. february 13 - 2014. aug 29.

Feedbacks from users:
You are definitely raising the bar. The level of smoothness in this ROM is unbelievable! The battery life, the voice quality... All of this you are improving beyond Xiaomi. I'm really excited for what you will bring for the next version.:D
dextructor is 100% right, wajk you are doing amazing work.
Thank you very much
Wajk, thanks for your amazing work !
thank you the best firmware
As I introduce your rom to chinese miui forum ,they like very much,at this time ,2771 people reply the post and download your rom .
thanks ,wajk.
great rom...now i arrived at 3 day for battery ;)
great rom.
very very smooth,fast and very little battery drain :)

Performance Control - DOWNLOAD
If you would like to try other system settings than default
MiuiSpnConfig - DOWNLOAD
Rename carrier name on notification bar
Xylon Animation Addon - DOWNLOAD
If you would like to try some new!
V5_extended ICONS pack - DOWNLOAD
based on the new MIUI V5 default icons
918Mhz - 1242Mhz CPU Addon - DOWNLOAD
If you would like to save more battery!
Honami keyboard - DOWNLOAD
If you would like to change default keyboard.
Viper4Android Sound MOD - DOWNLOAD
If you would like to try better sound experience!

Use builtin Themes app
Search and download from MIUI.com

My Tips
Better battery/performance:
- disable Location services more info (preventing non user caused wakelocks)
- try to use Power mode/Power saving (underclock to 918Mhz)
- use App Control (disable almost everything)
If you have problem with GPS:
- try GPS Status & Toolbox

Thnx to:
MiuiAndroid for ROM

Miui.com for ROM
M1cha for ClockworkMod Recovery
fusionjack for Control Panel
lenny_kano for his mods
CyanogenMod Team for ROM
Zepplinrox for his tweaks
pikachu01 for his tweaks
exit_only for his tweaks
muchopoli & fraggel for 3way mod
M_J_Nazari for RTL fix
AndroidON for his tutorials
Acid & Tweetypeety for sign

Ryuinferno for init.d support
XDA for tweaks
and many other developers

Last edited:
4.8.29 -
- updated recent and added new tweaks
- optimized audio settings
- reduced delay before ringtone for your Contacts
(if you would like to reduce delay for Unknown Numbers too, you need to
Goto Phone App > Press Menu button > Select Settings > Call Settings > Incoming Call Settings > Disable Mute Unknown Number)

- added some stability improvements
- fixed Xunlei download engine bug
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- updated Mi4 lockscreen with some fixes and improvements
- added
Xiaomi Framework option to AROMA, you can remove Xiaomi acc and MiCloud services
- added Unicode Stripper option to AROMA
- added Miui 6 icons option to AROMA
- added Miui 6 Settings icons option to AROMA
- updated WSM Tools to v2.3.5
- fixed Power mode toggle on Status Bar
- replaced Qualcomm logo with Android logo on the bootanimation
- applied my recent changes

- added lockscreen from Mi4 (resized and optimized to Mi2)
- added wallpapers from Mi4 (resized and optimized to Mi2)
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- readded
Power Saving mode
- updated Google Play to 4.9.13
- optimized framework animations
- changed ThemeManager default Tab to Local (instead of Featured), thnx to BurgerZ

- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- updated ClockworkMod Recovery
to (20140708), thnx to M1cha
- optimized free system storage
- use some parts from Miui 4.7.11
- readded Power Saving mode
- updated Google Play to 4.8.22

- Aroma updates
- optimized scripts
- added Z2 keyboard
- updated WSM Tools to v2.3.4

- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- updated ClockworkMod Recovery
to (20140510), thnx to M1cha
- optimized memory settings
- optimized storage I/O settings
- Aroma updates
- removed Honami keyboard
- updated WSM Tools to v2.3.1

- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- ringtone only ring once bug fixed
- Heartbleed-Bug fixed, thnx to Xorg
- optimized sound settings
- optimized battery usage
- optimized performance settings

- Aroma updates
- added some more extra options, you should remove more services to improve your battery
- applied my recent changes

4.4.11 EX
- based on JLB14 ROM (Why JLB14?)
- kernel, modem, drivers (Wi-Fi, ) from JLB

- apps, framework from the latest WIUI
- backported required services (Themes drm, Security Center, etc.)
- all new features and updates
- Heartbleed-Bug fixed, thnx to Xorg
- fully rooted
- data partition compatible with actual WiUi/Miuiandroid builds
- added all new WiUi features

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- updated ClockworkMod Recovery to
(20140323), thnx to M1cha
- Aroma updates
- rewritten scripts (faster & better)
- disabled flash Recovery by default
- if you disable Xiaomi Framework, some more unneeded service will be removed
- added extra options, you should remove all services to improve your battery

- updated Google Play to 4.6.17
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- optimized performance settings
- optimized scroll settings
- updated dalvik binaries

- Aroma updates
- MiHome Tablet MOD (smaller icon size, smaller launcher size, smoother working)
- optimized Unicode stripper script (enabled more characters)
- added some extra home grids (4x6,5x5,5x6,6x5,6x6)
- optimized MiHome animations
- updated Google Play to 4.6.16
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- builtin CPU Control & CPU Stats on Settings/Battery panel, thnx to ZN6&SINÉO
- updated ClockworkMod Recovery with 4.4 rom support, thnx to M1cha
- updated Radio image from previous version

- Aroma updates
- reworked and rewrite scripts/mods, much more less ROM size (~30MB)
- updated MiCore kernel to 010m, thnx to Redmaner
- optimized MiCore Plus tweaks

- 160 characters sms capacity for non-English users with Messages app
thnx to theos0o & ZduneX25, added more characters support by me, just for Mi2
- message will be converted to MMS after 18 SMS instead of 9
- increased Camera (Audio/Photo/Video) quality, thnx to Epic
- enabled Krait Retention for all core (better deep sleep)
- improved deep sleep state
- optimized framework animations
- optimized dalvik cache settings
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- optimized Launcher animations

- Aroma updates
- optimized scripts
- added StatusBar from 4.1.24 with previous animations
- updated WSM Tools to v2.1.8
- updated Miui Weather
- optimized MiCore & stock kernel tweaks

- optimized Power Management
- ThemeManager from 4.1.10
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- added Aroma support
- MiCore kernel v009m, thnx to Redmaner
- CPU addons
- WSM Tools v2.1.7
- Framework animations
- Google keyboard
- Honami Keyboard, thnx to Manohar
- Miui Weather
- more options coming soon...
- optimized kernel tweaks
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- optimized kernel tweaks
- optimized framework
- optimized audio settings
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- added new I/O tweaks, thnx to Franco's Dev Team
- disabled OverFlowMenu (aka. 3dots), thnx to oile
- disabled more debug activities
- updated Google Play to 4.5.10
- optimized memory settings
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- updated ClockworkMod Recovery with support 4.4 roms, thnx to M1cha
- optimized kernel tweaks
- optimized Power Management
- removed Control app
- WMS Tools recommend for moding, thnx to BalcanGSM
- optimized memory usage
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- added Control app (you should control statusbar settings and CPU settings with it)
- fixed CPU locks frequencies
- updated dalvik cache settings from Nexus 4
- improved audio settings
- increased volume settings (headset, speaker, etc...)
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- added StatusBar MOD, ControlPanel is back thnx to Farniel
- fixed date settings on lockscreen
- optimized multitasking settings
- optimized battery usage
- optimized audio settings
- optimized Network settings (Wi-Fi, 3G...)
- updated Google Play to 4.4.22
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- optimized scrolling engine
- optimized MiHome animations (folder, opening...)
- optimized kernel tweaks
- optimized Power Management
- new optimization method (pngs, apks...) for reduce app size
- optimized multitasking settings
- optimized memory usage
- I/O scheduler set to noop
- optimized audio settings
- disabled OTA
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- updated some icons, thnx to peyronx (Google Apps, etc.)
- more optimized CPU states
- updated APN settings
- optimized framework
- optimized multitasking MOD
- optimized audio settings
- optimized system storage usage
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- added multitasking MOD, thnx to zeppelinrox
- ported SQL binary from Mi3 (4.2.1)
- optimized memory usage
- optimized framework animations
- reduced system apps size for better storage
- Phone FC fix 2.0 to my chinesse users
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- optimized framework and tweaks for faster app loading
- speed and performance improvements
- increased 3D performance (also with Power Saving mode)
- optimized dalvik cache settings
- optimized recent CPU settings
- optimized mpdecision for better CPU control
- optimized memory management
- optimized deep sleep state for better battery
- removed some unneeded services
- reworked init.d support
- improved busybox settings (more tweak support)
- added fstrim support
- updated Google Play to 4.3.11
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- chinesse symbols fixed on the lockscreen (with some languages)
- optimized incall voice quality
- improved microphone settings (from Nexus 4)
- optimized CPU settings
- updated Google Play to 4.2.9
- applied my recent changes

- updated recent and added new tweaks
- optimized incall voice quality
- optimized NoiseSuppression
- improved sound quality
- optimized dalvik cache
- disabled more logging activities
- optimized memory management -> better performance
- added Fastboot mode to reboot panel
- applied my recent changes

- more precise volume control (volume steps will be increased)
Call volume steps changed from 5 to 7
System volume steps changed from 7 to 15
Media volume steps changed from 15 to 30
- keyboard optimizations (blue color replaced to white/orange)
- RTL bug fixed, thnx to M_J_Nazari & Vagyula
- added 3-way reboot options
- optimized database handler (faster app control)
- optimized scrolling
- optimized recent tweaks
- optimized framework settings/animations
- applied my recent changes

- added improved 4.2 keyboard
(swype, 20+ language support, very fast input speed, blue color replaced to white (not fully, yet))
- removed Xperia Keyboard
- updated ClockworkMod Recovery, thnx to M1cha
- optimized recent tweaks
- optimized backlight settings
- battery optimization
- updated Gapps
- updated Google Play to 4.1.10
- applied my recent changes

- added themed Xperia Keyboard, thnx to lenny_kano
(better landscape support, swype, better design with 46 languages)
- removed Android keyboard
- optimized recent tweaks
- removed TalkBack, install it from Google Play
- removed GoogleEars, install it from Google Play
- added Movie Studio from Nexus 4
- updated Gapps
- updated Google Play to 4.1.6
- applied my recent changes

- enabled 4x SlowMotion (120fps) for Camera
- optmized GPS settings
- optimized Location settings
- optimized recent tweaks
- added some new tweak
- speed improvements
- readded 4.2.2 binaries
- updated Google Play to 4.0.27
- applied my recent changes

- updated ClockworkMod Recovery, thnx to M1cha
- added kernel from 3.4.5
- optimized recent tweaks
- optimized backlight settings
- removed 4.2.2 binaries
- updated Google Play to 4.0.26
- applied my recent changes

- updated ClockworkMod Recovery, thnx to M1cha
- added kernel tweaks
- added network tweaks
- optimized recent tweaks
- optimized backlight settings
- optimized memory management
- speed improvements
- disables more logging activities
- 4.2.2 binaries (Better app processing)
- Cron support
- applied my recent changes

- updated/fixed APN settings
- optimized database access
- optimized Launcher animations
- optimized network settings
- optimized backlight settings
- updated libsqlite
- updated fonts
- added sysctl support
- added zipalign support
- I/O scheduler set to noop
- CPU Governor set to ondemand
- Vsync ON
- fixed Phone FC on chinesse thnx to vagyula for help

- added new and optimized recent tweaks
- removed Live Wallpapers
- optimized animations
- added my recent changes

- reworked init.d support
- added ClockworkMod Recovery, thnx to M1cha
- updated ControlPanel , thnx to Fusionjack
- added new and optimized recent tweaks
- optimized MediaServer service
- improved system settings
- optimized animations
- updated Googple Play to 3.10.14

- updated Google Search
- optimized AutoBacklight values
- fixed fast/slow options in Camera app
- updated Googple Play to 3.10.10

- first release
Last edited:
Experimental version

- based on JLB7/JLB14 ROM
- kernel, modem, drivers (Wi-Fi, Camera...) from JLB
- apps, framework from WIUI
- backported required services (themes drm, etc.)
- all new features and updates

- fully rooted
- Miui Security app with all functions
- data partition compatible with MIUIandroid builds
- multilanguage support
- added ClockworkMod Recovery
- added all WiUi features (check changelog post)
- tweaks

WiUi v5 JB 4.4.11 EX
for Mi2 and Mi2S

Install notes:
method 1:
use Recovery
- rename ROM to "update.zip" and copy to your phone
- power off your phone
- use power+volup for Recovery
- flash update.zip to system1

method 2:
use Updater app
- If you would like to install ROM to System1, use Updater app from System2
- If you would like to install ROM to System2, use Updater app from System1

WiUi v4 JB 3.2.22 EX FiNAL

updated on 2013.07.01.

only for Mi2, not for Mi2S!

Don't flash MIUI/WIUI v4 ROM over v5 ROM, becasue your device will be bricked!
If you would like to go back to MIUI/WIUI v4 ROM, follow this instructions!:
thnx to userq8
only for Mi2!

1. download JLB stable 3
2. Wipe all then flash JLB3 from updater, may well work from recovery.
3. After you should flash any "older" ROM, like v4.
Last edited:
I have problem with Camera, for me working with 60fps, but with this version working 90fps again...
What about you?

90fps working that ROM whar are use?
so you dont know how did you fix it..?
so you dont know how did you fix it..?

into build.prop

higher value under testing

anyway, changelog post content only ROM changes, my first "test" release has that bug.
if I will find any interests, like 120fps slowmo, I will paste into "Features". ;)

sorry for my english
oh heck yes. now it's on. Super excited to see some community roms for this device. 10x:)

waiting for sig version as i prefer to use recovery.
nice to see you here WAJK, than my Rom is needless, because you are doing a way better job. Know your Roms from LG and Defy, and if your feature list holds what we expect it is a great Rom. Although I haven't added build.prop stuff and init.d support and tweaks into my Rom because tried some tweaks from other devices, but couldn't make any difference.

the only thing I can help is with signing and Aroma Installer and fixing some translation bugs we germans have.
  • Like
Reactions: Wajk
nice to see you here WAJK, than my Rom is needless, because you are doing a way better job. Know your Roms from LG and Defy, and if your feature list holds what we expect it is a great Rom. Although I haven't added build.prop stuff and init.d support and tweaks into my Rom because tried some tweaks from other devices, but couldn't make any difference.

the only thing I can help is with signing and Aroma Installer and fixing some translation bugs we germans have.

all custom roms are needed. Some people don't want all the extra stuff but do want the control panel and updated gapps so i think you rom has it's place as well.
  • Like
Reactions: Wajk
oh heck yes. now it's on. Super excited to see some community roms for this device. 10x:)
waiting for sig version as i prefer to use recovery.

don't afraid about it. ROM install with Updater app is very easy. Trust me.

a small recommendation - add the camera with photosphere and control suite

just check Features in first post, Control Panel added into ROM.

i like Miui Camera, but with with *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* fast/slow video record working?
And what about other Miui Camera features?

any screenshots?

I don't touch default theme

nice to see you here WAJK, than my Rom is needless, because you are doing a way better job. Know your Roms from LG and Defy, and if your feature list holds what we expect it is a great Rom.

nice to see you, again :D
Don't give up. I just make Rom for my device and I share it. Maybe in future you will find any interests for us, so just make your ROMs. We are only one for Mi2 ;)
  • Like
Reactions: ivangotoy
into build.prop

higher value under testing

anyway, changelog post content only ROM changes, my first "test" release has that bug.
if I will find any interests, like 120fps slowmo, I will paste into "Features". ;)

sorry for my english
Hmm.. After adding to build.prop it still capture only at 50fps...
don't afraid about it. With updater app the ROM install very easy. Trust me.

I know updater app wroks great. used it before. And i know the flasher inside me will win and i will flash this rom at some point today sig or no sig.
Wajk, About control suite - I saw a minute after ..sadly i missed in the first time :)
anyway, *no-support-for-this-app-on-this-forum* is not as a replacement but as an addition, as it gives photosphere, and miui camera for the rest
its not an issue to install it separately, of course..just an idea :)
Hmm.. After adding to build.prop it still capture only at 50fps...

I was problem with previous ROM, if I selected 90fps from Camera options, My Camera recorded video with normal speed and if I selected 60fps, Camera record in slowmo.
Now, If I choose any options (60-90), Camera record video in slowmo.

So I don't check video files with with video editor, but I will check for you and share with my results. Sorry, if I my info go bad.

Do you know, Which ROM version has got correct camera drivers?
Or true 90fps not working from the beginning?
  • Like
Reactions: ivangotoy
I was problem with previous ROM, if I selected 90fps from Camera options, My Camera recorded video with normal speed and if I selected 60fps, Camera record in slowmo.
Now, If I choose any options (60-90), Camera record video in slowmo.

So I don't check video files with with video editor, but I will check for you and share with my results. Sorry, if I my info go bad.

Do you know, Which ROM version has got correct camera drivers?
Or true 90fps not working from the beginning?
Our miuiandroid rom build doesn't have working 90fps recording... We are trying to fix that.. Thanks for your help...
Our miuiandroid rom build doesn't have working 90fps recording... We are trying to fix that.. Thanks for your help...

miui.com ROM has correct 90fps?
i will check it.

(i used only your ROMs)
Hello, interested by this ROM I have 2 question :
1 - multilanguage means other language are inside ? like french ?
2 - is it really better than MIUI stock ? in what in detail ?
thanks :)
Hello, interested by this ROM I have 2 question :
1 - multilanguage means other language are inside ? like french ?
2 - is it really better than MIUI stock ? in what in detail ?
thanks :)

Both these questions are answered in the OP. Read more.

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