I just updated to 2.4.27 just now, I have the same issues. The only way I can fix this is if I do a wipe. Trying my best not to do that :/ I think i may have used TitaniumBackup to freeze something I shouldn't have, anyone know what the miui superuser app is called? and how to unfreeze it manually?
Root access was working just fine a couple of days ago (it was still working after I updated to 2.4.20), and now for some reason, when I try to access TitaniumBackup just now, it says it can't access "/xsystem/bin/su"
I tried replacing BusyBox, but BusyBox Installer couldn't get root access. I...
Nope, it finishes the compile without any errors. When I adb push it to /system/app and reboot, navigation bar, my status bar and whatever else is related to MiuiSystemUI.apk is missing.
I just tried it with your apktool and I'm having the same issues :/
This was a direct recompile, no changes were made. The file size of the original and the newly compiled MiuiSystemUI.apk is different :/
# ls -al
total 7432
drwxrwxr-x 3 quaff quaff 4096 2012-04-06 18:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 quaff quaff 4096 2012-04-06 18:28 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 quaff quaff 1090286...
I'm not getting any errors, it recompiles fine. But here is the log:
# apktool if framework-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: /home/quaff/apktool/framework/1.apk
# apktool if framework-miui-res.apk
I: Framework installed to: /home/quaff/apktool/framework/3.apk
# apktool d...
I'm trying to recompile MiuiSystemUI.apk, I've gotten it to decompile etc, and recompile works fine. But MIUI doesn't seem to like my recompiled version.
How I decompiled and recompiled:
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool if framework-miui-res.apk
apktool d MiuiSystemUI.apk
... made...
Can anyone tell me how to put the AOSP browser back? I actually hate the Miren browser included in MIUI since 1.7.22!
I've tried using the /system/app/Browser.apk from the latest CM7 nightly, but it FC everytime I try to open.
Thanks in advanced!
I'm getting a bug where my text messages are having the wrong timestamps. Which is causing problems to the ordering of conversations in the MMS app.
When I "View message details" of an individual text message, the "Sent:" header is 4 hours behind the "Received:" header. The Received header is...