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  1. C

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    What on those extended setting are already included man. The only thing you should flash is centered clock Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    this is my first attempt to change the google logo lol so looks bad hahaha. im using 1.8.5 with meizu theme v1.4 hahah
  3. C

    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  4. C

    1.8.5 lockscreen show call-sms for 1 second

    roenano do you know where to find the xml or whatever file that contains the code to show that previews on the lockscreen. sorry just wondering
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    1.8.5 lockscreen show call-sms for 1 second

    Its not a bug, my default locks creen has that bug but I'm using delor lockscreen fromm online lockscreen and works perfectly Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
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    Will MIUI be updated to 2.3.5?

    I havethe latest one,stills 2.3 4 Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  7. C

    Will MIUI be updated to 2.3.5?

    No it does not Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
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    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    what is the command for terminal emulator, is it the same? (UNINSTALL COMMAND)
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    Xiaomi Miliao (mChat) discussion and support

    I uninstalled it with terminal emulator Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  10. C

    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    Try terminal emulator Su Sysrw Rm /system/app/miliao.apk Sysro Reboot Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
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    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    dont use adb nor root explorer. Go to market, download app watchdog, click menu key , system apps and walla wall find the millian apk and you are set to go.
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    [MOD]4-Way Reboot 2.1.13

    Sent from my Droid using the forum app
  13. C

    [MOD][MIUI GB] Skip track via volume press

    Andy, I just wanted to say thank you, this mod does work on 1.7.1 Droid 1 with no issues. Mod for extra settings (battery, mount toggle button, and clock work as well. I'm just letting you guys know :) Sent from my Droid using the forum app
  14. C

    Swype 3.0 finally works on MIUI!

    =gropius;69337]really sad !!!! It didn't worked for me....when I go back to the installer the generate license button is still disabled.... why !! any ideas??? Mine didn't work either, but I rebooted my phone, went back to the installer and the generate license button was disabled, but I went...
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    Miui App Not Responding

    That happened to me as well but I installed the new miui 1.5.20 release and that fixed everything Sent from my Droid using the forum app
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    Droid 1 keyboard back light

    I have 1.22 installed on my droid 1 my issue is the keyboard back light isn't workking also when I pop the keyboard open sometimes the send button won't show. Could anybody give me a suggestion on what to do? Sent from my Droid using the Forums App
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    Super Circle Battery Mod--Nexus One

    Corey you should be able to flash that mod on the droid1. I did and is working properly. ;) Sent from my Droid using the Forums App
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    New Android Market

    Mine is working properly Sent from my Droid using the Forums App
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    Droid 2??

    nope i dont think so, this is for the droid 1 yeap:)
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    Miui 12.3 receiving call issues

    When someone calls me, I won't get the phone ringing but I will get the call record on my phone weird. I know is the new upsate because I went back to miui 11.26 and everything works fine. Sent from my Droid using the Forums App