Search results

  1. W

    New to rom

    Depends on your phone. But, normally you flash the deodexed file then the English pack.
  2. W

    App Installed but still no Widget

    Reboot. the phone
  3. W

    MMS download

    Can someone answer this?
  4. W

    [REQUEST] MIUI Browser
  5. W

    MMS download

    So I guess my problem is why can't I save pictures that are text to me Sent from my SexyNexy using the Forums App
  6. W

    MMS download

    What do you mean by download? Because mine says download then the picture shows. But I can't save the picture. Is there a program needed to save picture to SD card? Sent from my SexyNexy using the Forums App
  7. W

    GPS Monitoring - Security Concern

    You should be able to disable it in the notification bar.
  8. W

    Chinese ROM Security Concerns

    Hell, I'm more concern about my own government and the stunts they pull. Signed, Wikileaks
  9. W

    Is there any way to get the original Android icon style back? Classic! Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App
  10. W

    [Q] Install two version of one app?

    Ok Miui'ers I have two different versions of the HTC_IME keyboard. I want to have them both on my phone where I can switch between the two. One is a themed Buuf version the other is the HTC_IME mod. But, every time I try to install the second one I always get asked to replace the other...
  11. W

    Change menu UI?

    There is a redux theme that removes the square icons. lol And you can change the settings menu back to the old way.
  12. W

    Google Earth in MIUI 0.11.26

    Not sure. I can access it. Try to download Market enabler for the market then do a search for it.
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    0.11.26 N1 English Pack #1e (

    For the sake of realestate can we shorten this up Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App
  14. W

    Miui Music not installed?

    Mine install the original music app and removed it. Than made the miui music my default I'm cool with. But to reinstall yours push it to system apps
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    0.11.26 N1 English Pack #1e (

    Got it thanks downloading now. :)
  16. W

    0.11.26 N1 English Pack #1e (

    Anyone have a mirror I can use the link for some reason
  17. W

    Change menu UI?

    I use the MIUI and have a shortcut on my screen to launcher pro. lol the sh*t is sick as hell
  18. W

    This is why MIUI gets a bad name...

    The look and feel of MIUI is just different generally you can get the look at feel of CM from ADW Launcher. Don't get me wrong all I have used in the pass is mostly CM. But, this right here (MIUI) is in a whole different league.
  19. W

    MIUI for Galaxy S

    Samsung gets no love lol cm to miui lol Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App
  20. W

    I'm running out of space app2d ?

    I keep getting low memory. Nexus1 I have clear cache to no avail Sent from my Nexus One using the Forums App