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    HyperOS 1.0 24.1.1/2/3

    Is there by any chance a solution to run adb on a phone instead of a PC? These adb commands are working for about 2-5-10 hours.
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.25/26/28

    Gallery crash still issue. Could anyone suggest a better gallery app for daily use?
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.25/26/28

    Oh, I see. How this is possible that TWRP installing contain "Wipe dalvik and cache" and Fastboot not? This two method update the ROM, but not same at the end. Wouldn't that be better if fastboot update at the end would contain wipe dalvik and cache to avoid system failure like TWRP update...
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.25/26/28

    Where do you read this is known isusses? In this thread I didnt read "Android system intelligence not responding" error popping up multiple times a day" Gallery yes, still problem, after so many times of adb commands. :( Do you know is fastboot update contain at the end "wipe dalvik and...
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.25/26/28

    You are the one with Ishtar, who has "never" problem. :D How much SOT you have? How do you update the ROM? Fastboot or TWRP?
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    I'm just tell to the others devs always working hard, everyones know this, and my storytelling not blaming on devs. Just an info. and it is of course embarassing reading others they have 10-12h SOT .. and we only have 3-4h. strange.
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    Ok, I think that everyone can write his own experience about the latest ROM from week to week. Maybe if someone read this, and wanna keep his phone by good battery, may not update this ROM and bless us to write this experience.. Or everyone should shut up and lay down because this is only a...
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    The best was the first build.. This last one is terrible. With the first build I have 5-5.30 SOT. And have 4% battery. With the last build with 1:30h SOT I'm on 33% battery. This is not good. I dont know maybe a wipe dalvik cache or something could help with this? Btw I dont install TWRP...
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    It is worked only few hours. Still crashing the gallery
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    Same issue here on ishtar Gallery and editor adb commands working only few minutes... I tried several times.. sometimes the gallery working 1-2-4-6 hours.. then again crash and closing when opening the image. Bad battery life also.
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    Yes. I should not use the phone, it is dropping the percent so fast.. I dont understand. MIUI battery saver on several application On 11.8 I have 5 hours SOT with 2 SIM Card. Now I have 3 -3,5 hours. Very bad. I am going to put the trash the phone.
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    On ishtar also very bad battery life.. 11.8 was truly better!!! :( Can I dirty downgrade to 11.8? But Gallery update is very good. AI picture cutting is very very good!
  13. A

    Wating for device...

    Try another cable. Example the factory
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    Ok.. I tried this method, and still crashes the Gallery. :(
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    Thanks, but I never used ADB. is there any step by step for newbie for this new devices? Why doesnt a clear data option in MIUI for Gallery?! This is so difficult and this Gallery problem still from the first HyperOS.
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.18

    When open a gallery and wanna click one photo, gallery quit. I tried gallery cache delete.. same issue. ishtar. Not always, but sometimes.
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.11/13

    This would be great (Y)
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.11/13

    You mean, can you skip this update for this time, and maybe next update you will install? I skipped several updates too, because of issues. I think that always newest ROM contain earlier fixes too.
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.11/13

    What the experience on Ishtar with this update?
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    HyperOS 1.0 23.12.11/13

    When first install was with PC and Fastboot. OTA update working without previously installed TWRP, or must update with fastboot too like first install?