Search results

  1. R

    Miui account on OTA Updater.

    Is this it?
  2. R

    Miui account on OTA Updater.

    Yeah, I can't figure out how to create an account either. Where is the register link on MIUI.COM ?
  3. R

    MIUI Backup additions.

    I would love to see the MIUI backup include, current email, config and settings, and the phones dictionary.
  4. R

    Miss the old browser

    I prefer the old browser also, I will give this a try.
  5. R

    [1.7.29] launcher bug ( icons order)

    When my launcher kept crashing I sent in about 99999999 reports so lets hope so.
  6. R

    [1.7.29] launcher bug ( icons order)

    Considering this was the first release ever to give me real problems, I'm not complaining. If next weeks ROM does the same thing, I guess I'll have to do everything manually like you did Paul77.
  7. R

    [1.7.29] launcher bug ( icons order)

    I had exact same problem. And I tried .US and this sites rom. Have a Nexus S. Boot up was ok but soon as I restored my backup. FC loop non stop. I ened up going back to last weeks ROM. It was fine.
  8. R

    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    I tried Iinga's method and it worked.
  9. R

    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    Keeps saying SD card is not mounted, Mount SD card and try again.. even though I have mounted it, and tried with it not mounted.
  10. R

    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    Thanks guys, much appreciated.
  11. R

    Uninstall Miliao Option ?

    I see that Milian comes installed with the new Rom. I tried it out, its very nice, but its just not for me. Now I would like to uninstall it. It won't let me stop the service, and it won't let me uninstall it? Am I going to have an extra service running on my phone forever that I'm never...
  12. R

    MIUI - 1.7.15 - KeyBoard

    Well I'm thinking no keyboard this week either. Might have to wait another week.
  13. R

    Can anyone else access the miui theme downloader/gallery?

    Works fine for me too.
  14. R

    " :-) " face key on any keyboard.

    My girlfriend and I both have the same phone. Nexus S i9020A. She uses the stock 2.3.4GB Rom, I use MIUI. We both have 3 different Keyboards installed, Android Keyboard, Swype 3.0, and SwiftKey X. On her phone she has the " :-) " key on every single keyboard program. On my phone have no...
  15. R

    MIUI - 1.7.15 - KeyBoard

    Anyone have an answer to this?
  16. R

    MIUI Buit in APN settings for Providers.

    Whether your restoring your APN from backup or switching 2 simple letters around, its an extra step that could be easily fixed and avoided all together. Just thinking of new people loading the Rom and wondering why the heck they can't MMS on Rogers.
  17. R

    MIUI Buit in APN settings for Providers.

    Hello, firstly I am with Rogers Wireless in Canada. I understand MIUI has pre- installed APN settings for most Celluar providers. When ever I install MIUI I always have to change the APN MMS settings from MMSC : <--- MIUI preinstall not correct to this.. notice...
  18. R

    Google+ and my girlfriend we love google. Thanks!
  19. R

    Most common Weather Clock

    I am currently using MIUI Digital Weather Clock v3.0.8 However when I look closely at almost every single photo, I see that people are using something different. What is the most common weather clock that everyone is running. The one I have is close, but I like the one I see in pictures better.