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  1. E

    how to register with

    When you try to translate the registration page with Google, it tries to use Chinese (simplified Han), but it doesn't translate because the page is Chinese (traditional Han). Just force Google to use traditional Han, and it will translate perfectly. Also, as the second post stated, the QQ...
  2. E

    [Q]Cant use my phone as hard disk help please

    The bug icon is for USB debugging. If you turned that off, the bug won't show up. The actual USB connection icon doesn't change when it's mounted as storage, either. Actually, I don't remember if it used to change in Froyo, but I don't remember it changing before. Also, I haven't used CM in a...
  3. E

    HTC Sense vs. MIUI Battery Comparison on HTC EVO 4G

    Interesting. Did you leave the stock kernels in each ROM? Which Sense ROM did you use? Did you actually time or somehow measure the amount of time spent doing each task? I definitely believe battery life in MIUI is way better than stock, so I'm sure that your results are true. However, it would...
  4. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Haha. I actually wouldn't mind that after I get my thread completely updated. Also, for everyone else, the E fonts will have to wait until the morning. I work nights, and I'm running late right now, so I have to hurry. Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll have everything fixed up ASAP.
  5. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    OK. A-E have been updated. I will get to the rest tomorrow. At least it's a start, I guess. Edit: Make that, "A-D have been updated, and E has been temporarily deleted." I completely forgot I had to move them to the second post, and I haven't edited the second post yet. Sorry for the...
  6. E

    Security of MIUI Rom

    Well, if you're talking only about multi-device ROMs, then I believe CM is the only OSS one. However, there are a lot of smaller ROMs that are open source. On the Evo alone, there's Evervolv, SalvageMod, and Savaged-Zen. I'm sure other phones have their own open source ROMs, too.
  7. E

    Security of MIUI Rom

    Do you have Chrome to Phone installed? Read this thread on XDA:
  8. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Haha. Yeah. That's why the first thing I do is change the title. Otherwise, I know I'm going to forget, and half the fonts in my thread would have the wrong name when people try to use them. It's not too difficult to figure out what's what, though. Just mount your phone as storage on your pc...
  9. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Yeah, I know. I'm so sorry. I realized how long it's been when I posted the requested font. I feel horrible. About taking so long. I'm going to force myself to do it in the morning. I'll just post what I have done so far, and I'll put the rest up later on.
  10. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Trying this again... N.O. Movement (preview) Download
  11. E

    [FONTS] Theme Manager Fonts [UPDATE 4/2]

    Well, I have N.O. Movement uploaded to my mediafire folder, but my laptop's wireless adapter sucks, and as soon as I pressed submit on my reply to post the font, it had gone offline. It happened several times in a row, then I got pissed and decided to just try again later. I will try to have it...
  12. E

    Notification Bar Suggestion

    I registered fine. So has Stiffspliff, and I'm pretty sure others have, as well. If you're trying to fill out the form on an untranslated page, translate the page with Google, but make sure you specify Chinese (Traditional Han), otherwise Google tries to use simplified han, and it won't...
  13. E

    Notification Bar Suggestion

    I agree with you on that, wholeheartedly. A lot of people seem to like the new way better for some reason. The old way just makes more sense to me, and it looks better than a wall of toggles. In fact, when I first heard about HTC using the tab concept for GingerSense (I forget where, exactly...
  14. E

    What would you change/add ?

    What I do with system apps is put them in their own separate folder and set it aside. That way, there's no clutter, but if I need an app, I know where it is.
  15. E

    Launcher FC's Fix @ MIUI 1.3.25

    This is a good fix, but wouldn't it be just as easy to download VM Heap Tool from the Market and change the heap size with that? That's what I did. I changed my heap size to 40m, and I haven't had a single force close since. I'm using an Evo, btw.
  16. E

    Opera mobile 11

    He's not talking about Opera Mini. He's talking about Opera Mobile, which doesn't render on an outside server. But you may be right about it using low vs. high rendering. I don't know much about types of rendering, but that sounds right based on the images.
  17. E

    Opera mobile 11

    Actually, as you can see by the blackened "Mobile" at the bottom, above the copyright, both browsers were rendering the mobile Google page, so there is something wrong. It's not just that Opera is rendering the mobile page. It's actually rendering differently. Honestly, the layout on Opera...
  18. E

    MIUI gingerbread improvements

    Well, the MIUI team takes stuff from CM from time to time, but CM rarely gets anything from the MIUI team. The MIUI team gave CM the FM radio for CM6, but that's about it. There really isn't a lot of mutual interaction between the two projects.
  19. E

    Any way to turn OFF the screen previews?

    Actually, as the guy before you stated, you can also access the previews by pressing the home button while on the home screen. I've never used the pinch feature to access it.
  20. E

    Other lang support wish

    Are you talking about the native Chinese MIUI? They've said that they only support Chinese, because they make their rom specifically for a Chinese audience. If you're asking about why doesn't support other languages, then you must not have looked HERE.