Launcher FC's Fix @ MIUI 1.3.25


20 Feb 2011
i Hope it is the Right Forum to post it and the Video is in German but i hope u will understand it. (Google translated the Text)

WARNING: Formels 1.3.25 v46 already has a built in the fix, dont change it again!
For all: Changes at your own risk!

As there are currently many, the problem with the FC's have the launcher,
I created a short video about this:


Who don't like Videos:
1. open Root Explorer
2. go to /System/
3. open build.prob
4. go down to "dalvik.vm.heapsize=32m"
5. change the 32m to:

Nexus One: (max.) 64m
Desire: (max.) 72m
Desire HD: 64m or 94m
CHANGE Whitout (Max.)!!

quote='Midian666']Für alle faulen desire/n1 user.. hier eine flashable zip ( unsigniert )

download build.prop /// ACHTUNG unsigned!!!![/quote]
This is a good fix, but wouldn't it be just as easy to download VM Heap Tool from the Market and change the heap size with that? That's what I did. I changed my heap size to 40m, and I haven't had a single force close since. I'm using an Evo, btw.