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  1. Troj80


    And thank you for your work and good firmware. Let's make it even better together ;) Отправлено с моего Xiaomi 10 через Tapatalk
  2. Troj80


    Now the "Wave" animation charge is fine, and unlocking effect is fine. Thank you! Отправлено с моего Xiaomi 10 через Tapatalk
  3. Troj80


    That's what I wrote about... Отправлено с моего Xiaomi 10 через Tapatalk
  4. Troj80


    Try set charge animation "Wave" in settings and connect charger. Отправлено с моего Xiaomi 10 через Tapatalk
  5. Troj80


    In the profile thread of Mi10 device on 4pda I saw a user post, I took MiuiSystemUI from the firmware and to my surprise I did not find the necessary classes and respectively fixes to the above mentioned method, which are present in MiuiSystemUI in the previous 14.0.2 firmware. Error logs are...
  6. Troj80


    In 14.0.3 for Mi10, the Wave charging animation does not work(in MiuiSystemUI missing classes for wave animation, class MiuiChargeContainerView->.method public final setChargeAnimationView()V incomplete...), the unlock animation is also broken(does not always reach the right position). Fixing?
  7. Troj80


    Greetings. You wrote earlier about the trick Tried it on MIUI14/a13(Mi10) but it didn't work(also it doesn't work on MIUI13/a12). YouTube(also and ReVanced) drops from 90Hz to 60Hz when playing. Please tell me if this trick is relevant...
  8. Troj80

    Can somebody who hasn't messed with this please send me the fonts folder (system/fonts)? (explanation below)

    Open any of my MTZ files with an archiver, and replace the font that is inside with your own, it is important - the file name of your font should be the same as in MTZ. The name and so on is written in the xml file in the same place.
  9. Troj80

    Can somebody who hasn't messed with this please send me the fonts folder (system/fonts)? (explanation below)

    Place the font here. By the way, what is your firmware?
  10. Troj80

    Can somebody who hasn't messed with this please send me the fonts folder (system/fonts)? (explanation below)

    Try to put the required font in /data/system/theme/fonts
  11. Troj80

    New MIUI 12.5 (umi) Password Manager sync not work

    I'm glad for you, assume that your device xxxEUXM(aka Europe version). Because it is for xxxMIXM(aka Global version) device that this does not work, correct me if i'm wrong. And how to activate this for the global version device...
  12. Troj80

    New MIUI 12.5 (umi) Password Manager sync not work

    It turns out that we talked to you about different things ... It is the password synchronization to the cloud that does not activate and does not work for me, the password manager itself is activated and works perfectly.
  13. Troj80

    New MIUI 12.5 (umi) Password Manager sync not work

    I want to clarify, did it not work for you or stopped working after the actions that you described? Managed to find out (for example, Mi 10), in firmware xxxMIXM there is no such option initially, it may also not be present on other stock firmware(INXM, IDXM, RUXM), but it is precisely if the...
  14. Troj80

    New MIUI 12.5 (umi) Password Manager sync not work

    Did your phone have xxxMIXM firmware originally?
  15. Troj80

    [TWRP][OFRP][PBRP] List of relevant recovery in one place

    I don't understand this either, but in reality the person had the last weekly a11 installed, as it turned out, he installed the weekly a11 from the recovery, before that there was firmware a10, that is, he was updated from the recovery from a10 to a11 and Fox, as a result, did not work for him...
  16. Troj80

    [TWRP][OFRP][PBRP] List of relevant recovery in one place

    Compiling many versions, testing, managed to find out that , if the bootloader is from A11, then OrangeFox works great, if from A10, then it doesn't. Try this version OrangeFox P.S. If you flash the firmware from a10 to a11 from the recovery, then the bootloader, as I understand it, is not...
  17. Troj80

    [TWRP][OFRP][PBRP] List of relevant recovery in one place

    Great, I try rework and compile from source OFR...
  18. Troj80

    [TWRP][OFRP][PBRP] List of relevant recovery in one place

    I do not know why this is so, but for some it works, and for some it does not. I think the restart takes place at moment attempting to mount the encrypted DATA. MB-TWRP does it work for you? I can try to replace the blobs with from MB-TWRP and build OFR from the sources, but I cannot check...