Search results

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    Mi2 - Where to pre-order/buy?

    Is this only for AT&T network ? I live in Europe and I'm planning to buy the Mi2, but if it has no 3G, I think I'm gonna pass...
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    [Request] iPhone like search widget

    I guess you're all familiar with the way search works on the iPhone. When you swipe to the homescreen on the left, the keyboard pops out en you can start typing. I know 'espier launcher' also has this feature. Is it possible to make a mod for this?
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    1.11.25 is killing my battery

    Same here. Phone idle and cell standby are using lots of battery.
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    build.prop tweaks

    how can I be too late? It's not that I can't apply those tweaks anymore... I'm just asking which of them are usefull.
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    Can't find it either...
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    build.prop tweaks

    Come on guys, there must be someone who knows something about this...
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    build.prop tweaks

    Hi, I saw this thread on xda: And I was wondering which of those tweaks could be useful with Miui, especially on my Nexus One.
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    SD card won't mount--

    Same problem here. Tried reformatting the sdcard several times, but that didn't solved the problem. In fact, it made it worse. Now my sdcard is damaged and can't be read/mounted by the phone
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Miui 1.10.28 and latest version of Extended Settings. While charging the battery icon suddenly appaers, but when I stop charging the icon disapaers again
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    [MOD] Extended Settings Menu Options

    Can't see my battery percentage anymore after flashing this mod. Really annoying. How can I remove this mod, without doing a full wipe?
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    2G/3G Toggle

    I flashed the Toggle2G/, bu it doesn't seem to be working. Any idea why not?
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    2G/3G Toggle

    Hi, please take a look at this thread: It would be awesome if this would work in Miui ! With Tasker profiles, it would be possible to switch to 2G (and save battery) when the screen is of and automatically switch back to 3G when...
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    Miui Network Type (2g/3g) Toggle

    Would love to see this work !
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    Random Reboot

    My N1 sometimes does a random reboot. I completely wiped my phone before installing the latest miui rom, so I think that's the problem. I'm not sure about this, but i think the problem occurs when the phone is doing some multitasking. Somebody who had an idea of what might be the problem?
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    can' find some apps

    In previous roms, I already had a calendar icon on my homescreen. So that must be possible and not only with the widget. same for sound recorder, there has to be a way to have an icon on my homescreen so I can use the app when I want to...
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    can' find some apps

    When I look in settings at "manage applications", there are some apps which aren't on my homescreen. For example: "books" or "calender" or "sound recorder" How can I put these apps on my homescreen so I can use them? thanks in advance!
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    What would you change/add ?

    I have a nexus one. I have a SetCPU profile for "screen off" then min and max are 384Mhz.
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    What would you change/add ?

    A very important thing for me is the battery life. I use Miui for a couple of months now (and i'm very satisfied!), but i noticed the battery life in the beginning was much better. My battery lasted for 48 hours. But then, since approximately one month, battery life started decreasing and now...
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    sms problem

    No solutions?
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    sms problem

    Hi, I'm not receiving all text messages, very annoying :S It's not that I can't receive messsages at all, but some of the messages are missing. Then, suddenly, I receive all the messages I missed at once. Somebody who knows what's wrong? I'm running Miui on my nexus one, I update ervery...