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Nov 6, 2010
<strong>Recommended updates this week:</strong>

1. Defy, Milestone devices optimised GPS support
2. Optimise T9 search performance
3. Variety lock screen (full version)

<li>Optimization Defy, Milestone models to optimize the GPS integration Moto (6.20)</li>
<li>Optimize the integration of CM DSI Milestone patch to fix the problem in some cases, suspended animation, etc. (6.21)</li>
<li>Removed from the system to optimize DSP application package, please go to those who need to download network disk (6.22)</li>
<li>Set the switch in the third-party repair programs to display unusual problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair some cases, the top of the pop-up dialog box shows unusual problem (6.21)</li>
<li>New to answer calls automatically switch can be set to answer the delay time (off by default, see Phone settings) (6.22)</li>
<li>Added auto redial switch, if not hang up the system will automatically redial 10 times (off by default, see the telephone set)(6.22)</li>
<li>Optimize the lock screen the caller, after the return to lock screen (6.20)</li>
<li>T9 search optimization speed, display speed (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair does not support T9 search enter "" No. "" number of the issues (6.20)</li>
<li>Call History list fix "Unknown Contact" can not see the phone records of problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair edit mode, press the home button to return to edit mode dial is still the issue</li>
<li>Optimize the preparation of a new message, the recipient Quick Search support number search (6.21)</li>
<li>Optimization of the menu in the menu "Edit" to "bulk delete" updated "give up" icon (6.21)</li>
<li>Forwarding MMS repair the problem will lead to FC</li>
<li>SIM card SMS restoration management of FC when the problem (6.21)</li>
<li>Optimize the contact list, call history list, supports custom background theme (6.20)</li>
<li>Optimize the contact search box, after input the "X" buttons easier to press (6.20)</li>
<li>Contact support for fuzzy search optimization nickname, Inc. (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair the right side of the contact list to quickly locate the problem of positioning is not accurate (6.22)</li>
<li>Merge Contacts in some cases repair will lead to loss of telephone numbers the problem (6.22)</li>
<li>Repair combined call records can not be updated after the contact problem (6.20)</li>
<strong>Lockscreen &amp; Status Bar Notifications:</strong>
<li>Add Variety to unlock the lock screen support vibration feedback (tactile feedback to be open, see the System Settings -&gt; Personal-&gt; Sound -&gt; touch) (6.21)</li>
<li>Optimized to reduce memory footprint notification bar (6.20)</li>
<li>Lunar Date optimization Variety lock screen display (6.21)</li>
<li>Repair the lock screen with Variety, the message can not light up the screen to the problem (6.21)</li>
<li>Variety card refuses to repair the lock screen to respond to problems (such as the use sim card password reset does not causeproblems into the system)(6.21)</li>
<li>Variety can not repair using full-screen lock screen wallpaper problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Lock screen with amazing repair power HD2 serious problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair the lock screen with Variety, the lock screen does not display flashlight flashlight interface problem (6.21)</li>
<li>Variety lock repair emergency dial screen is not compatible with the problem (6.21)</li>
<li>Moto repair model USB switch notification bar no longer displays</li>
<li>Fix lock screen memory leak problems</li>
<li>Add "Change the local style" new "desktop" items, customize the desktop for the local initiator (6.22)</li>
<li>List of pages to optimize the lock screen theme package name (see theme style -&gt; change the local style -&gt; Lock Screen Style) (6.20)</li>
<li>Optimization over Bluetooth transfer mtz theme package (6.21)</li>
<li>List of pages to optimize rapid increase in drag when paddling section, to enhance the browsing experience fast (6.22)</li>
<li>Optimize the boot animation will intercept the final one as a preview (6.22)</li>
<li>Fix for the theme does not result in the status bar to restart the memory leak problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Fix normal ring tone audio file in the theme entries are not displayed (6.20)</li>
<li>Duplication of fixed-line resource list page problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair thematic content fails to load "Download failure" problem, to "load failed" (6.22)</li>
<strong>File Explorer:</strong>
<li>Details of the optimized file size of the smart display the file unit is KB, MB or GB (6.20)</li>
<li>Fix issue reading SD card lead to FC problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair first time favorites when access problems (6.20)</li>
<li>Fixed list of categories can not cut and paste file problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Statistics hidden folder does not fix the problem files (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair can not delete the folder containing hidden files problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Wi-Fi connection can not be repaired when they can start the FTP problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair open FTP does not automatically turn off the screen after the problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair is not a favorite category list display error when the problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair when there is no SD card interface shows dislocation problem (6.20)</li>
<li>Repair power display page number is not correct (System Settings -&gt; System -&gt; Battery usage) (6.20)</li>
<li>Click to jump to the NFC tag fixes Wi-Fi settings page problem (6.20)</li>
<li>New solar terms and the display of national holidays</li>
The change log is subject to change so please take the informati