In Progress 2.3.30 Huawei Honor -> Battery usage data


18 Mar 2012
Has someone else noted this? on my huawei honor running 2.3.30 under [settings -> device -> battery -> battery use] it says "Battery usage data not available" --> this worked in the non-miui ICS-ROMs I've been running before

does this feature work on the other MIUI devices?
Okey, thanks!
I still think it would be nice to know if this problem only exists for the huawei honor or if this is a general problem of the last two releases
Okey, thanks!
I still think it would be nice to know if this problem only exists for the huawei honor or if this is a general problem of the last two releases

I don't know. I don't own the phone, you'd have to ask someone who flashed last week's release.
Okey, thanks!
I still think it would be nice to know if this problem only exists for the huawei honor or if this is a general problem of the last two releases
I also have the same problem, I use miui (latest) and huawei honor!