New 2.3.30 No Slide Lock / Default Lockscreen


8 Aug 2011
Since 2.3.23 it seems there is no more default lock screen - slide unlock
Same for 2.3.30

In security settings, can only turn screen lock on with Pattern,Pin,Password.

How do you get just slide lock?

phone: i9000 galaxy s
By just sliding the ON/OFF switch in the top right corner of the settings page [settings -> Security & privacy -> Screen lock] to OFF
At least it works that way on the Huawei Honor 2.3.30 (always state your phone when reporting bugs!)
Hi Kaefert

I tried this, slide on/off to OFF but when i press power button, screen turns off, but doesn't lock.

using phone i9000 galaxy s
Try the following :
  • download a fresh copy of 2.3.30 i9000 update and place on sd card
  • reboot into cwm
  • wipe cache partition
  • clear dalvik
  • flash 2.3.30 i9000 update
  • reboot phone
Hi Pele

Thanks I will try this, but just to clarify

- I am running a Nexus S port of Miui v4 2.3.30
- There used to be an option which said "slide lock" in security for screen lock, now there is only Pin,Password,Pattern
- Someone else also had this problem on official MIUI Android 2.3.23 for SGS2,
see here:

So can you confirm whether the "slide unlock" option is still available as a selectable option,
or as kaefert said is it just the default option when screen lock is off

PS: this is what i mean by slide lock

For Reference, quote from cplm
Just realized that I have no screen lock on SGS2.
Settings -> Security -> Screen lock is set to "None". If I try to change it I have only these options: Pattern, PIN and Password.. Selecting one of these options will activate the lock but I don't want to use any security features on it. I remember it worked on 2.3.16.
I also checked on Google Nexus 2.3.24 and Screen lock is set to "Slide"
I'm using a I9000 running MIUIv4 and mine works as above, I just slide the ON/OFF switch in the top right corner of the settings page [settings -> Security & privacy -> Screen lock] to OFF.
which brand of miuiv4 are you using? galnet? weui? speedrom?
i just did a fresh install of MIUI v4 using speedrom 4.79 ill see if that fixes it
oh yep.
well ive run WeUI & now im running "speed" with factory reset wipe data etc.
lockscreen works now. decent stable.

Some guy andy thomson huh haha.

seems yours, speed & weui are all based off nexus s (rightly so),
so is there any benefit in switching from a working speed rom to your version or would they be pretty similar