Resolved 2.6.1 Galaxy Nexus, to big icons?


3 Apr 2012
My icons a bigger then normal? Yes they are bigger.

Left is signa icon set, right is the normal one.

Old vs new
its not a bug, its the new set of icons which support hi-res (xhdpi)
update to which size pele?
usually i resize the icons to 90x90 for my gnexus

one more thing
they did something with the themes again lol
my hotseat,indicators and icon folders are not shown
can you point me what i have to change to the right format, that they work again?
Well there is now 2 seperate folders within the Icon folder - one for HDPI and one for XHDPI , 98x98 and 135x135

The com.miui.home has been changed and now split into hdpi and xhdpi so u need update the two folders/pngs.