Invalid [21.2.4] Ghost navigation & status bar


19 Feb 2021
Device is a Poco F2 Pro running on MIUI 21.2.4 with Magisk.

I'm unsure if this bug is in MIUI itself, but it seems like it would be since it's rendering only a part of what it's supposed to.

When I open a chapter in Tachiyomi, which makes the navigation & status bar disappear, but the chapter fails to load, which causes it to go to the previous screen and should make the navigation & status bar appear, the navigation bar sometimes has no buttons and the status bar sometimes has nothing on it.
If I try to click where any button would be, it acts as if the navigation bar wasn't there and clicks on the app itself.
As for the status bar, I can't even drag it down - it doesn't appear if I swipe down
It consistently happens if I force stop & clear the cache on the app, but doesn't happen afterwards if I opened that chapter before.
Turning the screen off and on fixes it.

Since the log appears to be too big to put in the attachments, I've put it in GDrive: LINK

We can't provide support for arbitrary third-party apps, try reporting to Xiaomi directly...
I thought this wasn't an issue with the app but the system(also should've mentioned this didn't happen on 21.1.13), as the navigation bar appears but not fully, so I should report this bug to the app developer, yes?
edit: Nevermind, misunderstood.
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