A12 or A13 SKKK-TWRP if currently on A12 Global, but moving to A13(MIUI14) Xiaomi.EU?


31 Dec 2022
Flashing phone today (finally) from the MIUI13 Global ROM to XIAOMI.EU's MIUI14 (for munch). Happy to see today the Weekly has been moved from fastboot installation to recovery, but a _little_ confused.

When installing TWRP, should I install the one for the Android version I'm _currently_ on, or the one I'm about to flash to?

I think I figured it out - I am "booting" (not installing) Android 12 skkk-TWRP due to Android shenanigans. From there, I am installing the XIAOMI.EU ROM, which I *think* installs Android 13 TWRP permanently. If this is wrong please correct, thx
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I think I figured it out - I am "booting" (not installing) Android 12 skkk-TWRP due to Android shenanigans. From there, I am installing the XIAOMI.EU ROM, which I *think* installs Android 13 TWRP permanently. If this is wrong please correct, thx
Correct. That's the procedure for that device.