Anyone know how to package apks? (or .mtz themes, for that matter)?


Mar 21, 2011
I extracted the files from the framework-res.apk under system/framework and replaced the stock overscroll-edge.png and -glow.png images with blue overscroll images, but I don't know how to package the file once it's done. I tried opening my apk builder terminal in the android sdk but I have a way outdated version and don't really know how to use it anyway. I'm doing all of this on a mac, so if anyone has some tips (or would like to package the folder for me), I'd really appreciate it.

If you want to try it yourself, here's the folder:

I had to package it as a .zip b/c I'm running OS X 10.7 lion and apparently the latest version of dropbox doesn't work with that OS.