AX3600 with satellite mesh AX3000 issue


5 Mar 2023

I have a problem with an AX3600 (Global 3.0.22) and an AX3000 ( / I think it's global, few informations about it).

Because the AX3600 is the most powerful, I put it in primary mode on the mesh node.

And the AX3000 in satellite mode on the mesh node.

I wasn't meet any difficult to adding the AX3000 in satellite mode. And all was working fine.

But, after a few minutes, I realized that I have some internet issue (no Internet on WiFi network).

It was been random : during 2 minutes I had Internet, and during 3 others minutes I had no Internet.
And when I was unpluged the AX3000, all was working again.
The issue was apparead only when the AX3000 was on and connected on the mesh node.

I don't find any informations on that on the web. Please, can you help me ?

Thanks a lot