Backless case options?


11 Oct 2023
I currently have a Huawei P30 pro. I needed case for two reasons. It was so slippery, it would literally slide down in my hand unless I gripped it very tightly. I didn't want the camera bump or screen hitting the table every time I put the phone down. I bought the Rhinoshield Crashguard bumper. The product is only made for apple now and looks different than before. It was just a frame around the edges of the phone and it left the back open. The top and bottom were raised enough that the camera bump and screen would never touch the table. Yet the sides were thin so I couldn't feel it. This is the kind of thing I'm looking for.

Are there any bumpers for the 14 Ultra (or were there for the 13 ultra) that have no back? If I buy a beautiful expensive phone, I don't want to immediately cover up half of it. The phone is big enough, I want to add as little as possible to it.

The 13/14 Ultra has the leather back and less curved screen so maybe the phone is not as slippery. But I think I still need some protection. I still assume that if I dropped it onto concrete on a corner, it would leave a mark on the phone at minimum. They also have the huge camera bump. A little less in the 14 ultra. I don't want to be hitting the edge of the ring every time I put down the phone. That feels like it would be bad for the phone. I wonder if there is some sort of ring that can go around it to protect it. like the lens/filter adapter ring on the photography kit. Or a rubberband like thing. Ofcouse being round, I guess the phone will want to tend to roll a bit. I could ofcourse put the phone down the other way, but in that case, I still want something raised to protect the screen. Sometimes I want to put down the phone so I can see the screen.

I'm curious if others have found solutions that give some protection while not covering up the whole phone. What did 12/13 Ultra users use?