Bad Sound With A Redmi 4 Pro


11 Apr 2017

Im currently running a Redmi 4 Pro with the weekly ROM (7.4.6 v8.60).
The System is awesome and the Rom runs great.
But the Sound Quality with the camera is very bad, it sounds like the microphone is broken. But it sounds normal while telephoning.
Is this a Problem of the Rom? Should I go back to the global Rom?


Best regards

Edit: In Addition, the phone remains being in headphone mode when I unplug my headphones. Restart solves the issue, or plug and unplug the headphones again. Is that a Software Problem or an issue with the headphone jack itself?
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Thank you!

And the Problem with the headphone jack?
I've got that headphone problem too. Haven't figured out what's causing it. Posted here about it and no one responded so i guess its not a common issue