Bad things happened in MIUI China. I hope all you guys can understand.


21 Mar 2011
First of all, please forgive me for my poor English although I'm doing my best to pass my GRE test......:(

I'm a Chinese and I'm a MIUI lover. I'm very happy that I've become a honor developer in MIUI China and I hope I can contribute to our MIUI community world wide.

However, bad things happened in MIUI China yesterday. Another talented developer called Ownhere said bad things to MIUI. He is famous in xda and .Well I don't know much about the technical things, it looks like that he ridiculed miui because miui developers in China said something about phone record and sign in recovery. Then MIUI fans and Ownhere fans argued with each other. It really made bad effects. At last Ownhere announced that he will stop his development because of this debate. Ownhere fans got so angry and they thought they cannot get Ownhere update because of MIUI. Finally, endless arguement in MIUI forum and gfan forum took place.I hope MIUI fans world wide can get together and defend our community. Admittedly, there are many bad manners in Chinese people's mind. But I hope we can stick together and get through this. Thank you all! I love you!
I hope everything turns out ok. MIUI Developers, users and fans are very passionate, and I can understand when we are so passionate about a certain subject we can take many things as misunderstandings.

If I could speak Chinese, I would tell this to MIUI and MIUI fans, we all love MIUI and we can all defeat any misunderstandings to stick together and get through anything.