Battery won't charge to 100%


26 Jul 2011
Hi guys,

i have been using my Mi 2s 16GB for couple months now, no issue whatsoever, but noticed today that i couldn't charge the battery over 98%.
Before charging the battery was completely empty and phone shut down.

Any suggestions,

I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you experience weird battery behavior like extremely quick discharge.

Gesendet von meinem MI 2 mit Tapatalk
I have a similar thing with my external battery charger.

Inside the phone it charges to 100, in the external charger bay it charges to 98.

Might just be some kind of security circuit thing going on.

Gesendet von meinem MI 2 mit Tapatalk
I had the same Problem but the solution was quite easy.
I just took the battery out of the phone, counted till 5 and took it back.

Voilà, you have 100% again

gesendet via Brieftaube namens Xiaomi Mi2s
great, thanks for info, but noticed on the second charge it was 100%. Also noticed this only happens if the phone powers off completely and then i charge it over night.