New [bugs] GPS problem MIUI on Poco F3 / K40 (alioth)


2 Feb 2022
I think that there is a problem with and latest builds and GPS for PocoF3. I have tested this with "update ... bat" and as last resort with formatting data using "first install . bat"

The GPS is not reporting the correct location in clear area; it shows correct position then for a few seconds it locks 200meters away then back to the correct position and so on (mobile data ON, GPS ON, Wifi ON). This happens with applications like Strava but also with google maps and Here maps too.

If you disable the Google Location Accuracy services (like: Settings->Location->Location Services->Google location Accuracy to OFF) then all GPS problems are gone and position is reported properly! It seems that if the Google location Accuracy is ON then the phone gives priority to the mobile antenna, wifi signals etc location (that are not so accurate like the GPS) ignoring the real GPS location. Is this a bug in the ROM? Can you check it?

Many thanks to all developers of for their work
The same issue has also the stock Xiaomi EEA (EU) rom 12.5 So there is a generic problem when Google Location Accuracy is ON. I don't know if this can be fixed within 12.5xxx or roms.
Thanks for the hint. I didn't have that problem but turning off Google's location services is probably good for battery life and also privacy.
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Not in my PocoF3 either with stock 12.5.7 EEA or CN based 12.5.19 or I need to disable Google Location Accuracy!!!