New Call Recordings Not Shown within Contact History Call Log


Dec 19, 2021
In call history, where you go to check call recordings for a contact, the recordings do not show up for each call.

The recording will show up if the phone number starts with a number like 0 or 1,2,3. However this is after about a 10 second delay where the recording pops up and then it can be played.

BUT if the number starts with a + before the number, then no recording is shown unless I go to the call recording app where all the calls recorded are shown.

Using a Mi 11. I noticed this started since 12.5.15 and also happening on 12.5.16.
All was working fine on 12.5.14.
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Anyone else or is it just me? Maybe it's the privacy protection permissions interfering?
The others have it too.
Xiaomi "improves" MIUI and thus broke a lot of well-functioning functions.
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