New Camera Bug


15 Oct 2016
Hello. I want to report a single error on miui and earlier versions miui 8, which occurs only in the Croatian language. This error does not exist when I switch to English. This is a camera, when the camera settings to choose the uslikanoj figure standing date and time. Then appears the mistake of camera connect error and the picture is saved anywhere, can not take pictures. When you turn off the option to be in the picture is not darum and time everything is fine, or when I was in English, but as soon as I was in the Croatian language and with this ukkjučenom option appears to me that error. I would be very grateful if this error was corrected. Please note that earlier this mistake was in English, but I see that it is now only in Croatian. Greeting.
Hehe ok je kad iskljucim, ali zelim da mi na slici stoji datum i vrijeme i ta opcija mi je dosta od koristi, ali eto, nikad da poprave taj bug od prve miui 8 verzije. Na global verziji nema tog problema, dok na china stable i eu rom postoji nazalost
Kaj ces. Dobro da radi. Inace ovak iskljuceno je ok. Slike imaju nazive ovako

Dakle vidi se datum


Ma ne to druze, nego kad u tim postavkama ukljucis dodaj oznaku vremena na fotografiji. I kad uslikas sliku, u donjem desnon uglu ti na slici stoji datum i vrijeme. I kod mene u pojedinostima slike stoji datum i vrijeme, to je ok. Ali datum i vrijeme na slici direktno.