Can't block unknown numbers

pet monster

13 Jul 2012
I'm running the latest mini rom for HTC desire Z. For some reason I can't seem to block unknown numbers. I try to use the firewall, but there's no way to add a unknown number to the black list. I also tried to use root call blocker, and and set it to block unknown callers, but for some reason they still come through.

Any idea on what the issue you be?
Desire Z is GB and discontinued. Sorry.

Version 2.4.2 was it

Sent from MIUIAndroid Phone.
Yeah, I I know it's old and all. I just thought someone might have experienced the same issue or had any ideas on how to fix it. Or even if it's a known issue.
Okay, so I got it fixed now. It had something to do with the warning you get when a new program is trying to access call or text functions (might have been super user).... The warning that says something like "it might be risky that_____ program is trying to access texts or call" something like that. All the then you have the choice to allow or deny, and and also allow forever, but or deny forever. Once I reinstalled a call blocker program, and added my friend number, and called from that number..... The call still came threw; but I had my phone in hand as soon as it came threw and the warning popped up letting me know that a program was trying to access the phone or whatever. As soon as I clicked allow and made sure to check remember response, it functioned just perfect after that and would block any call I wanted.

Sorry for the lack of knowledge and wordage used to describe the warning and error... I'm kinda new to miui.