Contacts.apk (Drawables)


MIUI Android Staff
Nov 7, 2010
Somebody can share editable psd files about these "add_*" drawables-hdpi-finger (all 3 versions: normal, pressed, disabled if possible) ?
Screenshoot attached.

Many thanks in andvace :)


  • 20101114_090303.jpg
    48.1 KB · Views: 399
I'll get them posted today / tonight - it was on the list of things to be done.


Thanks a lot Mark, also in name of all italian MIUI users :)
Might not get it done tonight, some issues with the files.

Will try though! as there is 36 icons to edit up.
Ok man, absolutely no problem, we will waiting for you.
Thanks again for your help :)
I'm trying to work on it with psd, can you tell me wich font and size did you use for these drawables ? I'm doing the first step looking for right font, I'm trying with Arial Narrow 24 pts but it's not perfectly the same. I could use this font but I'd like to find the perfect one :)
Thanks in advance.