Contacts lost until reboot

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21 Sep 2013
Mi 10 Pro, Miui stable 13.0.4.

After several days without reboot, I get an error notification from DAVx5 regarding missing permissions to Contacts. (In settings, permissions are allowed.) This happens in Work Profile (I am using Insular to separate Whatsapp from my standard contacts list.)

Some time later, all my contacts disappear - not only from Work Profile, but also from the standard one. No other error messages are shown.

Call history shows only numbers, contacts do not show any item. Force sync DAVx5 in normal profile does not show any error, but still no contact is shown.

Once I reboot the phone, everything is back to normal: all contacts are listed. Even without syncing them first.

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk
Too many variables in play along with third party paid apps involved. Not sure how we can help with that.
Yeah, it is difficult. I will create a sample contact in Mi Account and enable SIM card contacts, so that I can check if at least some of these get displayed when the above bug appears.

P.S. DAVx5 is open source sw, avalaible also via F-Droid for free. Although donations to support development are welcome.
An update: When contacts disappear from Contacts app, the Contact apps shows zero contacts for any source (SIM, Google, Miui, DAVx5, ...).

In Android Settings // Apps // Manage Apps - Contact Storage (
- I tried to clear cache of the app: no change.
- I tried to force close the app: then all contacts are back and sync apps are happy, too.

While other apps just silently fail to show any contacts, DAVx5 allows to show a log:

EXCEPTION java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: reading uri content:// from pid=10363, uid=10337 requires null, or grantUriPermission()

Permissions: - ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: granted - ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: granted - FOREGROUND_SERVICE: granted - INTERNET: granted - READ_SYNC_SETTINGS: granted - READ_SYNC_STATS: granted - WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS: granted - RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: granted - REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS: granted - READ_CONTACTS: granted - WRITE_CONTACTS: granted - READ_CALENDAR: granted - WRITE_CALENDAR: granted - ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: granted - ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: granted - ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION: granted - org.dmfs.permission.READ_TASKS: denied - org.dmfs.permission.WRITE_TASKS: denied - org.tasks.permission.READ_TASKS: denied - org.tasks.permission.WRITE_TASKS: denied - at.techbee.jtx.permission.READ: denied - at.techbee.jtx.permission.WRITE: denied
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