Customizing the apps in 5 points lockscreen?


27 Jun 2011
Been using miui for about 12 hours and like what I see so far. Just curious, is there a way to customize which 5 apps show up on the 5 point lockscreen?

+1 !!
if lockscreen could use widgets as well it would be perfect
the application Widgetlocker is great
if MIUI lockscreen could have similar style of features it THE thing !
i use it since its so perfect u can do all without even opening the lockscreen but sure i would prefer a customizable MIUI lockscreens
then no need for other app
Yh I wish it was customizable... cuz I wanted use the miren browser as my home broswer

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Skedone is right.
You all are just looking in the wrong section. Try searching in Theme releases or Theme development...