Difference between XIAOMI.EU TWRP Firmware (unlocked) vs GLOBAL Firmware (unlocked)


5 Aug 2021
I am wondering what is the difference between XIAOMI.EU TWRP Firmware (unlocked) vs GLOBAL Firmware (unlocked) ?

Due to I don't live in Europe it is worth getting the EU TWRP instead of the Global?

Is it only the Saftynet Passed? What else do I get or lose in one or another?
You lose Google Digital Wellbeing features: greyscale and Do Not Disturb app pause.

You get Mi messages and Mi Dialer.

You also get what seems to be an even more aggressive app mem kill. My Blokada VPN/DNS app is often turned off...

I wish someone could help me flash an Indonesian stock ROM over my disappointing fastboot xiaomi.eu.

The only positive side is that it gets rid of all bloatwares and system ads
Unlocking bootloader causes safetynet test to fail but it doesn't prevent you from installing any APK. I could get Disney+ app through an alternative store before flashing xiaomi.eu
In the EU ROM what about the Google apps such as Gmail, maps, keep, youtube, etc, and other apps that for authentication use google account phone integration?
They are not in the ROM but you can easily find them in the Play Store. They also can be automatically installed if you connect to your Google account straight after flash and 1st boot
Yeah, that is the current method I have used in my Samsung (s4, s6, s7): when booting Android asks for the Google account and everything is integrated with it. So I understand from your post it is quite similar to what I used to be.