Flash Not Working - Xiaomi Mi4c


12 Dec 2015

I am trying to flash my Mi4c (currently, it is on MIUI 8 by xiaomi.eu 6.7.21 - Android 5.1.1 Lollipop), but it never works. It comes a message like: "the version currently installed is libra, and the new one is a Mi4c version".

How should I fix it? Someone told me I should update the recovery (the TWRP, I assume), but I'm just confused right now, I don't exactly know how to do it.

Can anyone help me on that?
What version of TWRP are you using ? works well with 5.1....

It's the TWRP

How may I update it? I've never done that, in fact, I haven't installed the TWRP as well, a friend of mine did that for me, but now I'll be responsible for that.

I've tried the first option. The app asks for root permissions on its very beginning. So, I click on "set permission" and it says: "App needs root access to function", nerve allowing me to go forward.

Does it mean that, in spite of having an old version of TWRP installed on my device, it isn't rooted?
First update twrp-3.0.2-0-libra.img this way, download it from https://twrp.me/devices/xiaomimi4c.html
"TWRP Install (Requires TWRP 2.8.4 or higher already installed):
Download the TWRP 3.0.2-0 image file (.img) from the download link and boot TWRP. Go to install and find and select the Images... button. Browse to the image that you downloaded and select it. Choose recovery and swipe to flash."
Important: Then follow the installation guide for new Android 7 based ROM in Post #2 of this thread: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/7-2-9.38201/ (first ROM with Andriod 7)
Thank you all, guys!! I've really appreciated very much all of your replies, and was able to upgrade my TWRP (till now, I haven't flashed it to Android 7.0 Nougat, I'm still on 5.1.1 Lollipop, but already using the version MIUI 8.2 by xiaomi.eu 6.12.22 | Beta).

In the end, as the solution given by MeiGuddet worked, I didn't have to try any other.

First update twrp-3.0.2-0-libra.img this way, download it from https://twrp.me/devices/xiaomimi4c.html
"TWRP Install (Requires TWRP 2.8.4 or higher already installed):
Download the TWRP 3.0.2-0 image file (.img) from the download link and boot TWRP. Go to install and find and select the Images... button. Browse to the image that you downloaded and select it. Choose recovery and swipe to flash."
Important: Then follow the installation guide for new Android 7 based ROM in Post #2 of this thread: https://xiaomi.eu/community/threads/7-2-9.38201/ (first ROM with Andriod 7)

Thank you all again, especially iamme729 and MeiGuddet!