Go back to factoryrom??


5 Nov 2011
After getting MIUI rom is there any way to get back to factoryrom?? Kinda handy to know if the phone will crack and the warranty still is active.
If you have a HTC device you can search for a RUU exe file, then run it to reset and s-on your bootloader.
Incredible S. Im stuck at some flashing xiaomi.com logo atm..... been that way for like 10 min.
Incredible S. Im stuck at some flashing xiaomi.com logo atm..... been that way for like 10 min.

I think before you try putting stock back on, I would try reinstalling the rom. That is probably the issue.

Boot into recovery and mount the sd card and hook it to the computer.

ReDownload the rom from the link at the top of this page and load it on the sd card.

Unmount the sd card, and factory wipe the phone.

While still in recovery, go into mounts and storage and wipe the /boot and /system. '

Now, while still in recovery, find the new download of the rom, flash it and let it reboot.

That should take care of it.
Everything is in chineese now cant understand one thing. Cant find the way to serach for the factoryrom either. Did what you wrote cyberstoic.
Everything is in chineese now cant understand one thing. Cant find the way to serach for the factoryrom either. Did what you wrote cyberstoic.

Odd that it would be in chinese, since the dev's here put it in english - it happens though from time to time, Stupid question here, did you reboot? Whenever I have had chinese in the miui rom, once you reboot the english usually returns.

If that doesn't work, you could always try loading Cyanogenmod7. Use the same procedure, but load cm7 from cyanogenmod's site, make sure you load the gapps as well. Or perhaps someone else has a better suggestion?
Had to go load everything again from the start, now using CM7 just to get the phone to function.