Help! phone can't boot to os


14 Jul 2018
I'm installing 8.10.18 on my xiaomi mi8 (dipper)
I can enter twrp recovery normally
After factory reset in twrp, install the zip, clear the dalvik/cache, reboot to system
the phone just stays on the screen with a MI logo and a android logo and 3 loading dots.(approximately 15 minutes already)
Had I done something wrong?
btw, I'm upgrading from official chinese rom 8.8.24
will format /data work?
plz help if anyone know the issue
I came to figure it out on xda
format data is required instead of a wipe
@ingbrzy the installation guide is wrong... or not compatible?
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I think it's a TWRP issue, cause TWRP cannot handle encrypted data partitions and this is standard on official Xiaomi ROM releases.