Home screens reset


20 May 2011
I am having a problem that is kinda weird. When I set up my home screens the way I want them, they will stay that way for a few hours and then just reset back to the way it was when I flashed. When I wake up my phone, all the icons are jumbled up and the icons on the dock are gone. This is really frustrating because it takes about 30 minutes to get all my homescreens the way I want them, and it just resets itself after a while. Has anyone seen this before?

I am running 1.5.20 on the HTC Evo, and it did the same thing on 1.5.6.
I had that with 1.5.20. I do use MyBackUp Pro from Market, resets HS's

I had to redo my sdcard out of phone with sdformatter and do a complete fresh install

Not sure what the problem was

I always wipe dalvik and cahces before weekly flashes. Use Temasek's System Wipe, from XDA, and, wipe all data and caches before new installs. 5X on caches. 3X on System. I use Amon and it does not have a system wipe like CW.
I havent had a problem since my OP. (24hrs ago) The only thing I've stopped doing is using the MIUI 4x4 music widget. Not sure if it has anything to do with that, but I'm hoping I stay good from here on.

Sent from my PC36100 using the miuiandroid.com forum app
Let's cross our fingers :)

I never used the 4X4 Music Widget, use Power Amp