HTC Thunderbolt joining the MIUI-DEV Ranks MT4G joins the family too!


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Staff member
Nov 6, 2010
That's right, work is on-going to bring MIUI to the HTC Thunderbolt.

Boot to 2.3.3 Gingerbread has been achieved by n_i_x and jamezelle on our IRC development channel over at Freenode.

More news to follow, we've added a new sub-forum in the ROM Development section which can be found <a href="">here</a>

As n_i_x said on IRC a few moments ago, "Let the games begin!"

Exciting times ahead for MIUI with more devices being added all the time! and MyTouch4G has joined the MIUI family.

You can find the MT4G (Glacier) Forum <a href="">here</a>