Hyperos.eu ziyi Twrp info


14 Jan 2018
Good morning everyone. as a second phone I have a Xiaomi 13 lite and since the new hyperos.eu rom has been released I wanted to update it too. the phone already has the twrp installed here on the forum.
Is there anyone among us who has already updated with one of the two recoveries and so can you tell me if it is compatible please?
Hyperos.eu works great on my 13 pro. A hug to the whole community

I tried OrangeFox and TWRP from other sources and both are NOT working. Where in the forum you find TWRP for Xiaomi Lite 13 (ZIYG)?
hi, unfortunately at the moment there are still no recoveries based on Android 14. So for the moment the only way to update to hyperos.eu is via fastboot. A developer is working on it but it is still far from the desired result. a greeting