I Need help: 4 Issues while Porting MIUI from RAZR to Atrix 2


16 Jul 2011
I have ported MIUIv4 using this tutorial http://forums.miui.us/showthread.php?18914-CASE-STUDY-Porting-v4-to-the-Nexus-One, basically its taking the framework and apps and some other files so the end result is miui but with our atrix 2 ics base, just overlayed.

however in the end, all looks great except for some major issues.

1. When i open google play,and click Existing to add an account, it just closes out back to home screen.
2. Browser closes out when u open it,same as google play when clicking existing
3. turning wifi on,after a minute the phone hotboots.
4. File manager FC's

ive been trying multiple different Tutorials, all yielding same result.
if anyone could please help me out with any advice on how to get these 4 issues worked out, please let me know.
Without logs nobody could help, just capture them for your issues.
PS: browser and market issues might be about webview*.smali at framework.jar/android/webkit