Resolved init.d Scripts not working!


23 Sep 2011
Using latest MIUI Builds with either stock Kernel or Custom Kernel (in this case Franco Kernel with my Galaxy Nexus) I am not able to run init.d scripts.

Is this a general MIUI problem/bug/feature ???

They just wont get executed..running manually from /etc/init.d works just fine...
As in on boot?

They definitely run on boot as you can tell by running "adb logcat" during boot.
I also encounter this with 2.6.1... I have made some scripts which are running perfectly on previous build.. but since yesterday, I noticed those scripts are not running... Check permission, busybox and they seems normal... Even repack it also no success..
Yes. I don't know if this is considered as external/3rd party product.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Im afraid you have just answered your question. You should take this up with the init dev(s) to make the scripts compatible.
Im afraid you have just answered your question. You should take this up with the init dev(s) to make the scripts compatible.

Alright then.

Although it is a bit confusing here. If the script is not running because of error, yes it is not responsibility of MIUI dev team.

But in the OP (and same as me), we found that script is not being executed by the ROM.

So the question is whether MIUI support init.d or not. And why only in 2.6.1 this behavior happened.

So I would assume MIUI ROM doesn't support init.d.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your reply.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2