kernel which solves msm_hsic_host?


4 Jan 2013
I know that developers usually provide kernel with msm_hsic_host wakelock fix, that reduces this wakelock caused by 3G waking the device.
Is there anything similar to our Mi2?
Im running the latest CM11, and get it alot.
Maybe you'd be better to ask directly in Khaon's or xPerian's kernel threads.
How much is "a lot"?

Here's mine with khaon kernel on pacman rom.
PSX_20141120_181851.jpg Screenshot_2014-11-20-18-16-12.png
Well, around 10% of the time.
Now after 24 hours, which for around 8 hours on wifi, I have 3.5 hours.
I'm with regular kernel that came with CM11, didn't know there's more kernels.
I'll take a look.
I should mention probably that I'm with the extended battery.
I just now noticed that after using the google cardboard app for a few minutes it left some sensor wakelock sns_async_ev_wakelock for about 4-5 hours till I did a reboot.
It made me thinking, is there a way to see which app has used these sensors?
I just now noticed that after using the google cardboard app for a few minutes it left some sensor wakelock sns_async_ev_wakelock for about 4-5 hours till I did a reboot.
It made me thinking, is there a way to see which app has used these sensors?
I have problem with that wakelock too although i don't know which app triggers that.I wonder why there isn't any documentation from google about wakelocks.After a lot searching i feel it's kinda try and error procedure finding which sensor or whatever that wakelock refers to.
I have problem with that wakelock too although i don't know which app triggers that.I wonder why there isn't any documentation from google about wakelocks.After a lot searching i feel it's kinda try and error procedure finding which sensor or whatever that wakelock refers to.

Grab kernel source and search name of wakelock in it,if its kernel based you shoupd find it.
I don't know what to do.
It's really getting worse.
And now I tried to be only 2G+wifi all day

Try different ROM like Mokee. It's pretty same as CM11,but it has different kernel.
I had mokee before and suffered from it as well I didn't like it downloaded Chinese apps sometimes after updates, so I changed to cm
Can I change kernel only?
Ah! Do you use any custom made icon set? They can use sensor too and cause the sns_async_ev_wakelock
Icons?? How can it be related with sensors?
I do use the Android L skin pack
I even cancelled the auto brightness
It is strange but I verified it without doubts on Zipalign iconset on Miui. Some animated icons use sensors like compass apps. And it is continuous
I thought you are talking about any changes such as flashing extra stuff in cwm, xposed, not using a built in feature.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, do I need to revert everything or just icons?