first of all make sure that your phone is ROOTED if not you will brick it; second you go to your launcher settings or preference then select backup settings and backup desktop configuration, after download titanium backup; open it up accept or allow superuser rights then go to (on top)(backup and restore) then you press menu and select batch. After you select or run ONLY (backup user apps) then you run batch operation. When its done backing-up you go to or download and install rom manager; open it and accept the pop up messages if it opens the web browser just close it. after that you select FLASH CLOCKWORKMOD RECOVERY. then a notification will slide down showing you your phone model, (if not DO NOT continue any further just exit the program) select it and then select download rom it and select (cyanogen mod and or miui) this mod is the safest make sure you don't download a beta or rc version ( i am using miui).Use wifi to download if possible. After download is completed open it and select backup existing rom, wipe data and cache, and wipe delvick cache. Select ok. Now it will reboot several times DO NOT TOUCH THE PHONE during this process, when every thing is done; you have a new phone just set it up like you just got the phone. i hope this helps it worked 101% for my LG OPTIMUS 3D P920.