Lockscreen Hardware Music Controls


14 Nov 2010
This is something I have been looking for in a lock screen since i switched from my old 4th gen iPod to a smart phone(for music), the hardware music controls. When i was on the iPhone i was able to get a mod that let me skip or reverse a song with the volume buttons. Now that i have an android phone i have been looking for a mod to control the hardware buttons for a play/pause, next, and what not. Is something like this possible or has it been done already or am i the only one who wants this?
This is something I have been looking for in a lock screen since i switched from my old 4th gen iPod to a smart phone(for music), the hardware music controls. When i was on the iPhone i was able to get a mod that let me skip or reverse a song with the volume buttons. Now that i have an android phone i have been looking for a mod to control the hardware buttons for a play/pause, next, and what not. Is something like this possible or has it been done already or am i the only one who wants this?

The music controls on CM 6 work that way. That is the only thing I really miss from that rom. Ex. If your listening to music from your phone you just use the rocker volume up or down to skip tracks. So you would never have to take the phone off of your hip. Short press to use volume, long press to change songs.
I used CM6 for a long time, I have never seen where that setting is cause hardware buttons weren't able to change songs. but i'm glad some people have been working on it.