M1 Battery Running down fast and turning off, please help!


20 Mar 2012
So ive been trying to get my original Xiaomi m1 up and running again so my mum can use it. It seems to work however the battery is running down really fast and it also sometimes shuts down randomly. Any ideas how to fix this?

I don't know if that will help but I gave up on my Mi 1S about a year ago because it kept shutting off/restarting randomly and I think the battery was also drained too quickly.
My new phone let me down recently so I picked up my old Xiaomi again and the bug was still there...until I decided to update the Rom and then: MIRACLE! It seems to be working better than ever...
Maybe you should just try that (if you haven't yet)?
Hey thanks for your reply. Yes I tried this, did a complete wipe and just updated to the most recent v5 rom. I have isolated the problem. What happens is that you charge it fully, then the battery goes down normally until about 65% then at this point the phone just shuts down completely and wont turn back on. So I charged it for a few minutes and turned it back on, but the battery is now completely drained! Showing 1% :-(. Thinks it is worth buying another battery? Or it is actually a hardware fault?
did you delete the batterystat? Give it a try. if it still drains look for a new battery.
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did you delete the batterystat? Give it a try. it it still drains look for a new battery.

Thanks for your help. Where can I wipe the battery stats? Do I need root? This rom is not rooted, do you know how I can root?
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Well if you already did a wipe data factory reset then you already cleaned the system, so deleting batterystat.bin might be pointless. Anyway batterystats.bin is in /data/system you need a filemanager and root, wait till the phone dies, charge the battery while phone is switched off. letting the battery discharge isn't a good idea, but we're trying to recalibrate it.

If it still drains try to flash the phone again with miflash and check if some app wakes the phone even if it's locked (there's thousand of apps that accomplish that goal)

Last option buy a new battery.
Many thanks. Think I will try and flash partition 1 with the latest rooted development rom. Then if that doesn't work try using miflash. Is their a mi flash guide about? Was a long time since I last used it...

Otherwise yeah get a new battery. Do you think it is just a battery specific or software problem though or an actual hardware fault with the phone itself?
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have you solved your problem sere83? because I got the same problem and I'm trying all I can
have you solved your problem sere83? because I got the same problem and I'm trying all I can

Yeah it works better now. I wiped all data and cache and flashed the latest development rom and deleted the battery stats.
Yeah it works better now. I wiped all data and cache and flashed the latest development rom and deleted the battery stats.
how did you delete the battery stats? I actually didn't understand the explanation above
I'd charge fully, then wipe cahe and data, then flash latest rom. If still not working after that, then attempt to wipe battery stats. You need to make sure your phone is rooted then get the application 'root explorer' then find and delete the file batterystats.bin in the /data/system folder.