Mi 10 Ultra FPS Issue on weekly .eu rom


17 Sep 2020
The display randomly goes down to 60 hz on weekly 20.9.3 rom with me & it stays that way until I manually switch to 60 and back to 120hz again to fix it or even to manually reboot the device

My eyes are very precise and sensitive to that kind of smoothness change,
And i also used an Onscreen FPS Counter to be sure.

I understand the device controls it to preserve battery and its ok when it goes to 60hz on apps like YouTube or the default clock app or any stock app that doesn't require scrolling/high refresh speed
But sometimes it happens with Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and even the stock UI and the settings app, and I have to manually switch to 60 and back to 120hz again to fix it or even to manually reboot the device.
And after it's 120hz again it stays like this every where on the device (no more 60hz automatic switching to preserve battery),
Then a couple of hours later it's switches back to 60hz randomly like before,
This sure NEVER happened to me on stock Chinese rom
Don't know if this is a bug or that's normal or if it's due to the unlocked bootloader.

Don't wanna update also to a more recent weekly rom cuz I'm waiting for a dedicated TWRP for the mi 10 ultra, don't even know if the issue is fixed with recent updates,

Any help would be appreciated
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