as far as I understand, the xiaomi.eu ROM offers some benefits to the regular global ROM of the Mi 9. As I dropped my Mi 8, I was going to order the global version of the Mi 9. But I don't want any stupid advertisements and bloatware on the phone, but would also like to keep Google Pay and Widevine L1! (My Mi8 made quite some trouble with Google Pay and I was never able to get around the widevine issues with Amazon Prime Video
Can/Should I use the Xiaomi.eu ROM? Would I have to do the unlock shenanigans (waiting days until the phone is allowed to be unlocked and similar) again?
as far as I understand, the xiaomi.eu ROM offers some benefits to the regular global ROM of the Mi 9. As I dropped my Mi 8, I was going to order the global version of the Mi 9. But I don't want any stupid advertisements and bloatware on the phone, but would also like to keep Google Pay and Widevine L1! (My Mi8 made quite some trouble with Google Pay and I was never able to get around the widevine issues with Amazon Prime Video
Can/Should I use the Xiaomi.eu ROM? Would I have to do the unlock shenanigans (waiting days until the phone is allowed to be unlocked and similar) again?