Mi10T dropping SIM connection after call


3 Aug 2024
Hello guys,

I recently ran into a weird bug that I am not able to pinpoint

I have Mi10T handset (codename "apollo") and use it with dual-sim option

I frequently use SIM data, and recently, whenever I call someone or receive a call, the SIM signal completely drops off

Its like the SIM has been taken out of the phone, and it doesn't come back until you reboot the phone

I thought this might be an MIUI issue, as there might be an update which broke something internally, so I flashed it with a Pixel Experience ROM

Now, I was surprised when the same issue was still there. When I called, the exact same issue happened and it did not go away until I rebooted the phone

Even then, it took around 5 - 7 mins to completely restore the connectivity through the mobile data

I tried searching the internet and cannot find anything related to this issue !

Thus, Im in dire need of help at this point ! Im not sure what the source of the issue is. I tried to rectify the software side of the issue, but seems like there is something else

Also, I've had the device for approx 3 yrs now, so warranty is not an option

Thanks all for reading ! Appreciate the support :)

P.s. I have attached the debug logs along with the thread. I went through the logs, but nothing seem to catch my eye, other then the following line

8-03 19:03:41.708 26192 31783 I DialerVoicemailTabImpl: com.android.dialer.voicemail.tab.impl.VoicemailTabImpl.lambda$getShouldShowTabDataSource$0:62 has active voicemail provider: false, archived voicemails count: 0
08-03 19:03:41.714  1639 13171 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{network{115}  handle{497326936077}  ni{MOBILE[EDGE] CONNECTING extra: data.lycamobile.nl} Score(50 ; KeepConnected : 0 ; Policies : )   lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}}  nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 2]> SubscriptionIds: {2} UnderlyingNetworks: Null]}  factorySerialNumber=7}
08-03 19:03:41.715  1639  3816 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1272 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2272 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3281 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2036 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:571
08-03 19:03:41.715  1639  1639 E MboOceController: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1
08-03 19:03:41.715  1639  1986 E WifiDataStall: onDataConnectionStateChanged unexpected State: 1
08-03 19:03:41.716  1639  1994 D ConnectivityService: [115 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to CONNECTING
08-03 19:03:41.717  2407   955 D NetworkMonitor/115: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal https urls to [https://www.google.com/generate_204]
08-03 19:03:41.717  2407   955 D NetworkMonitor/115: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal http urls to [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204]
08-03 19:03:41.717  2407   955 D NetworkMonitor/115: checkAndRenewResourceConfig: update captive portal fallback urls to[http://www.google.com/gen_204, http://play.googleapis.com/generate_204]
08-03 19:03:41.717  2407   955 D NetworkMonitor: Starting on network 115 with capport HTTPS URL [https://www.google.com/generate_204] and HTTP URL [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204]
08-03 19:03:42.071  2563  3711 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
08-03 19:03:42.073  2563  2563 D PowerNotificationWarningsGoogleImpl: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
08-03 19:03:42.073  2563  2563 D BatteryInfoBroadcast: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED isPowerSaveMode: false
08-03 19:03:42.073  2563  2563 D BatteryDefenderNotification: isPlugged: true | isOverheated: false | defenderEnabled: false | isCharged: false
08-03 19:03:42.168  1639  3816 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1272 android.content.Context.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:2272 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastDataConnectionStateChanged:3281 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber:2036 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:571
08-03 19:03:42.169  3468  3468 D wpa_supplicant: MBO: Cellular capability already set to 2
08-03 19:03:42.169  1639  1994 D ConnectivityService: [115 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTING to DISCONNECTED
08-03 19:03:42.170  1639  1994 D ConnectivityService: [115 CELLULAR] disconnected, was satisfying 0
08-03 19:03:42.171  3124 28531 I NearbyMediums: WifiNetwork setTelephonyIsDataConnected:false
08-03 19:03:42.183  1639  1994 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
08-03 19:03:42.282  1639  1639 I Telecom : InCallController: CSICSC: disconnect com.android.server.telecom.InCallController$EmergencyInCallServiceConnection@9fd4f9c: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.282  1639  1639 I Telecom : EmergencyInCallServiceConnection: Disconnecting from InCallService: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.282  1639  1639 I Telecom : InCallController: ICSBC#disconnect: unbinding after 18637 ms;[ComponentInfo{com.google.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl} supportsExternal? true supportsSelfMg?false]. isCrashed: false: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.285  1639  1639 W Telecom : Call: maybeOnInCallServiceTrackingChanged() request on a call without a connection service.: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.285 26192 26192 I DialerOnUnbindListenerImpl: com.android.dialer.incall.incallservicelisteners.OnUnbindListenerImpl.onUnbind:32 enter
08-03 19:03:42.285  1639  1639 I Telecom : InCallController: onDisconnected from ComponentInfo{com.google.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallServiceImpl}: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.286  1639  1639 I Telecom : InCallController: trackCallingUserInterfaceStopped: com.google.android.dialer is no longer calling UX: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.286 26192 26192 I DialerLegacyInCallServicePeer: com.android.incallui.LegacyInCallServicePeer.onUnbind:192 onUnbind
08-03 19:03:42.286  1639  1639 I Telecom : InCallController: ICSBC#disconnect: unbinding after 18637 ms;[ComponentInfo{com.google.android.as/com.google.android.apps.miphone.aiai.captions.tulip.audiosource.impl.CIS} supportsExternal? false supportsSelfMg?false]. isCrashed: false: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.286 26192 26192 I DialerInCallPresenter: com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.setBoundAndWaitingForOutgoingCall:1302 setBoundAndWaitingForOutgoingCall: false
08-03 19:03:42.286 26192 26192 I DialerLegacyInCallServicePeer: com.android.incallui.LegacyInCallServicePeer.tearDown:206 tearDown
08-03 19:03:42.287 26192 26192 I DialerInCallPresenter: com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.dontAddToThisMethodOrYoullBeSorry:1034 Phone switching state: NO_CALLS -> NO_CALLS
08-03 19:03:42.287 26192 26192 I DialerLegacyStatusBarNotifier: com.android.incallui.LegacyStatusBarNotifier.updateInCallNotification:266 tidepods enabled
08-03 19:03:42.287 26192 26192 I DialerMotorolaInCallUiNotifier: com.android.incallui.MotorolaInCallUiNotifier.onStateChange:67 NO_CALLS to NO_CALLS
08-03 19:03:42.288 26192 26192 I DialerInCallPresenter: com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.isActivityStarted:1408 inCallActivity == null
08-03 19:03:42.289 26192 26192 I DialerInCallPresenter: com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter$AtlasUiStateBroadcastReceiver.unregister:2397 unregister
08-03 19:03:42.289 26192 26192 I DialerInCallPresenter: com.android.incallui.InCallPresenter.attemptCleanup:1814 Cleaning up
08-03 19:03:42.290 26192 26192 I DialerLegacyAccelerometerListener: com.android.incallui.LegacyAccelerometerListener.enable:129 Tidepods proximity sensor is enabled. The accelerometerListener is not in use.
08-03 19:03:42.290  1639  1639 W Telecom : Call: maybeOnInCallServiceTrackingChanged() request on a call without a connection service.: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.290  1639  1639 I Telecom : InCallController: onDisconnected from ComponentInfo{com.google.android.as/com.google.android.apps.miphone.aiai.captions.tulip.audiosource.impl.CIS}: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.290  1639  1639 I Telecom : InCallController: ICSBC#disconnect: unbinding after 18629 ms;[ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.libraries.search.assistant.performer.communication.IncomingCallInCallService} supportsExternal? false supportsSelfMg?false]. isCrashed: false: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.290 26192 26192 I DialerVideoPauseController: com.android.incallui.VideoPauseController.tearDown:118 already torn down
08-03 19:03:42.291 26192 31778 I DialerTidepodsCallAudioPlayerDirectBootEnabledFn: com.android.dialer.audio.impl.TidepodsCallAudioPlayerDirectBootEnabledFn.isEnabled:43 Enabled by direct-boot flag
08-03 19:03:42.291 26192 31766 I DialerCallAudioManagerImpl: com.android.dialer.audio.impl.CallAudioManagerImpl.lambda$setCurrentCallAudio$7:249 callAttributes: Optional.empty
08-03 19:03:42.293  1639  1639 W Telecom : Call: maybeOnInCallServiceTrackingChanged() request on a call without a connection service.: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.293  1639  1639 I Telecom : InCallController: onDisconnected from ComponentInfo{com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/com.google.android.libraries.search.assistant.performer.communication.IncomingCallInCallService}: CSW.rC->CM.pR->ICC.oCR(cap)@GEg
08-03 19:03:42.295 26192 26192 I DialerTelecomEventUiThreadBlockedTimer: com.android.incallui.TelecomEventUiThreadBlockedTimer.lambda$onEvent$0:58 InCallService.uiThreadBlockedByTelecomEvent blocked UI thread for 9.39 ms
08-03 19:03:42.295 26192 26192 I DialerTelecomEventUiThreadBlockedTimer: com.android.incallui.TelecomEventUiThreadBlockedTimer.lambda$onEvent$0:58 InCallService.uiThreadBlockedByTelecomEvent.onUnbind blocked UI thread for 9.97 ms
08-03 19:03:42.296 26192 31761 V ClearcutMetricXmitter: Transmission is done.
08-03 19:03:43.156  2521  2961 W IWlanNetworkService: 1736 > Response Processed
08-03 19:03:43.188  2441  3415 I QcrilOemhookMsgTunnel: [1]processOemHookIndication length=21
08-03 19:03:43.265  2521  2961 W IWlanNetworkService: 1737 > Response Processed
08-03 19:03:43.267  2477  3626 I QImsService: ImsRadioIndicationHidl : onServiceStatusChanged_1_6()
08-03 19:03:43.267  2477  3626 I QImsService: Class : Num of SrvUpdates = 2
08-03 19:03:43.267  2477  3626 I QImsService: Class :  networkMode = 0 status = 0 restrictCause = 0 registered = 2
08-03 19:03:43.267  2477  3626 I QImsService: Class : RTT: copySrvStatusList rtt mode = 2
08-03 19:03:43.267  2477  3626 I QImsService: Class :  networkMode = 14 status = 0 restrictCause = 0 registered = 2
08-03 19:03:43.268  2477  3626 I QImsService: Class : RTT: copySrvStatusList rtt mode = 2
08-03 19:03:43.268  2477  3626 I QImsService: ImsSenderRxr : [UNSL]< UNSOL_SRV_STATUS_UPDATE [org.codeaurora.ims.ServiceStatus@563ff87, org.codeaurora.ims.ServiceStatus@cd91eb4][SUB1]
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceSubHandler : Message received: what = 4
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceSub : [1] Received event: EVENT_SRV_STATUS_UPDATE
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceSub : [1] type = 5 status = 0 isValid = true
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceSub : [1] Call Type 5has num updates = 1
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceSub : [1] StatusForAccessTech networkMode = 0 registered = 2 status = 0 restrictCause = 0
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceSub : [1] type = 25 status = 0 isValid = true
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceSub : [1] Call Type 25has num updates = 1
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceSub : [1] StatusForAccessTech networkMode = 14 registered = 2 status = 0 restrictCause = 0
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceClassTracker : updateFeatureCapabilities video false voice false
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceStateReceiver : updateHDIcon isVideo : false isVoice : false phoneId: 1 show HD Icon: false
08-03 19:03:43.270  2477  3632 D ImsFeature: ImsFeature notifyCapabilitiesStatusChanged Capabilities = 0
08-03 19:03:43.271  2477  3632 D ImsFeature: ImsFeature notifyCapabilitiesStatusChanged Capabilities = 0
08-03 19:03:43.271  2477  3632 D ImsFeature: ImsFeature notifyCapabilitiesStatusChanged Capabilities = 0
08-03 19:03:43.275  2538  2538 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- regular acct, hasVoiceAvailability: false
08-03 19:03:43.275  2538  2538 I Telephony:  isRttSupported: false
08-03 19:03:43.275  2538  2538 I Telephony:  alwaysAllowWhileRoaming: false
08-03 19:03:43.275  2538  2538 I Telephony:  isRoaming: false
08-03 19:03:43.275  2538  2538 I Telephony:  isOnWfc: false
08-03 19:03:43.277  2477  2477 I QImsService: ImsServiceStateReceiver : shallShowHDIcon config showHDIcon : false phoneId : 1


  • android-debug.zip
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Hello guys,

Im pumped to see the amazing response here. Really amazing support ! :)

For anyone out there who lands on this post, I flashed the latest LineageOS ROM on my Mi 10T this morning and the issue seems to went away

Went through the whole day of making calls through the phone number and the signal didn't go away for a bit

So I guess there was some issue with the MIUI 14 / Kernel which caused the issue !

Still thanks for the amazing support and coordination guys ! Cheers