New MI2S cannot connect to wifi WPA/WPA2


23 Mar 2012
hi all,

i have problems connecting to wifi with wpa/wpa2 security even though i have the password. it keeps obtaining for ip address. im running on dual boots.
in both rom i cannot connect to the wifi. i have tried single boot with both systems and no problem connecting to the wifi with wpa/wpa2 security. the only problem is when i change to dual boot

device : xiaomi mi2s
system 1 : cyanogenmod 11-20140725-NIGHTLY-aries
system 2 : WIUI-4.7.18
android ver : 4.4.4 kitkat (both system)

are there any flash zip to fix this?

I've always had WiFi problems with my mi2,I never really proper fixed it (still using mi2 now).
I am not entirely sure, it's not the router to blame despite no other phone having any problems...
qbert456, what rom do you use? is it official or fan build? i dont think there would be problem with official build. and what mi2 do you use? mi2s or mi2a?
I have mi2 using 4.81.1 jb wiui
My other half used to use a mi2s weekly rom from this site and she had the problem quite bad. We both use WiFi fixer app which may have improved things.
I read somewhere tho that the router may need tweaking, I did and it certainly helped.
I'll look for the article today.

She has an iPhone now (sorry! ) and has no problems with WiFi.