Mi4c Android 5.1.1 To 7.0

There is a problem with direct installation on MI4C from version 6.12.22 to 7.8.17. You need to do a firmware update to 7.2.9 and then the system gets loaded. The same thing happens when you go from 6.12.22 to 7.7.20 and earlier, it looks like it must be installed first 7.2.9.

If anyone has a problem here is N firmware 7.2.9 to install in twrp libra-aqua_firmware_7.2.9.zip
This is a universal twrp for MI4C, works on both lollipop and nougat bootloader TWRP 3.1.1 for libra/aqua

In this package 7.2.9 is a new bootloader

Hey Bro! You rock it out! I followed to the letter your instructions on how to update my Mi4c from ROM 8 (6.12.22) to ROM 9 (7.9.14) and it all came off perfectly, without a hitch. Thanks a lot for your clear and detailed advice, slimozis!
It seems I got a locked bootloader after updating, or is it just my imagination? I always thought that xiaomi.eu roms never locked bootloader.
Is that because of the firmware update? or is it because of the rom update?

Anyway, this is the first time my bootloader gets locked after updating to eu rom.

PD: Well, I've just seen why here:

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@Charly Groucho
For MI4C xiaomi.eu has previously used the unlocked bootloader but after switching to 7.0 it will not work, the old one does not load the system for that it must use the new one which is already locked. However, if you did as I wrote, you do not need to unlock the bootloader, twrp should stay and you can install updates in it !!!
How does this ROM perform...any majors bugs ...I have a spare Mi4c I may upgrade it.....

Well, it's too soon to talk about any bugs, but so far I haven't seen any, big enough to mention.
These are the only minor things I’ve noticed so far:
1. Screen brightness is at its lowest level when phone starts, even though you configure it otherwise
2. “MTP” option doesn’t appear in phone when connected to PC. Therefore, PC does not recognize it. The only files PC can see from the phone are “DCIM” & “Pictures” if you select the option `(PTP). I mean, if you select `transfer files´ from the phone, the PC does not recognize the phone. However, PC fully recognizes the phone (with all the internal storage) when connected via TWRP

But the rom runs nicely and very smoothly. So far, I quite like it.
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2. “MTP” option doesn’t appear in phone when connected to PC. Therefore, PC does not recognize it. The only files PC can see from the phone are “DCIM” & “Pictures” if you select the option `(PTP). I mean, if you select `transfer files´ from the phone, the PC does not recognize the phone. However, PC fully recognizes the phone (with all the internal storage) when connected via TWRP
On this issue, try to disable debugging options in developer settings, it helped me.
A silly question (but not so silly for me):

When you downgrade the rom version ... ¿Does the `firmware´ change? I mean ... the firmware gets automatically downgraded?
It depends on what you are downgrading to...for instance from a Nougat based ROM to Lollipop...they have different bootloaders so the firmware is also downgraded...if you are downgrading just between ROM versions then, no the firmware is the same in most cases...Generally speaking to change firmware you have to use fastboot to flash the device...firmware is the software that controls the hardware so to speak...
This article explains the different partitions fairly good....

Wow! That’s a pretty full guide about flashing! Thanks for the info. At the moment I will stick to the most basic and necessary commands to know how to flash the device via fastboot, since this is the only mobile I have, I do not want to end up using it as a paperweight. I say this because the last update from Lollipop to Nougat did not quite convince me for the following:
1. Screen brightness is at its lowest level when phone starts, even though you configure it otherwise
2. “MTP” option doesn’t appear in phone when connected to PC, Phone storage only recognized in PC when connected via TWRP
3. Call me `old fashioned´ but … I prefer the screen `layout´ of options in Lollipop.
4. Phone seems to have a slight lag, even though I don’t have many apps in phone, didn’t have any lags with Lollipop.
5. Local Backup gets stuck with Excel files, but if a delete those files from phone Backup works fine.
I didn’t mind the 3 first bugs (they had a solution), but bugs 4 & 5 completely changed my mind about this Android version.
6. Volume from incoming phone calls seems quite a bit lower.
So … going back to old Lollipop … will it be good enough to flash a lollipop rom through TWRP? I've heard someone saying that for this kind of downgrade of Android versions, it's best to start from the beginning, by first installing the oldest fastboot stock Chinese rom, but that will re-lock bootloader and I’ve just got permission to unlock it (3 days ago) after flashing the latest Nougat.
I do not know what would be the best way to downgrade from Nougat to Lollipop. This is the only mobile I have and I want to make sure I do not blow it all. Sorry for the drag!
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Please, can you tell me if this resume is good :
1) i have the last miui 8 6.12.22
2) i download the last miui 9 7.9.21
3) i install it with the app miui adapter or with twrp (version 3.0.2-0 Team Superluminal) => please confirm the best one
4) i do wipe cache/dalvik
5) i do not reboot right now
6) i install the new twrp libra 7.0 => TWRP 3.1.1 for libra/aqua
7) i install the libra aqua firmware => libra-aqua_firmware_7.2.9.zip
8) i reboot
9) i 'll hope everythnig ok

I'm good ?
I don't need root.
Do i have to unlock bootloader ? If yes, how i do it ?

Hello Guys, im having a BIG Trouble here :

1. my mi4c was not having a ROM (bootloop with forgoten Current rom name/ last flashing) Cant go further at MI logo
2. i have no TWRP Installed
3. my Mi4C are Locked Bootloader
fastboot oem unlock, only restart my devices.

good things
1. devices detected on p

what should i do ?

or please if u guys have something for me to read...
ill be looking forward
ahhh man,,, i can open en.miui.com says :

The requested URL could not be retrieved
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http: e=en miui .com thread 04724-1-1.html

Unable to determine IP address from host name en.miui.com

The DNS server returned:

No DNS records
This means that the cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is correct.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.


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Ok, i see this post.
I ask you the steps i have to follow exactly.

1) since 6.12.22 install 7.2.9 with twrp 3.0.2-2
2) In twrp 3.0.2-2, flash the new version twrp 3.1.1 libra 7.0?
3) reboot in recovery
4) install 7.2.9 firmware ?
5) reboot in recovery
6) install last rom xiaomi.eu
7) do wipe cache /dalvik
8) reboot system

do we have threads from upgrade MIui 5.1.1 lolipop to latest Xiaomi miui 9 ?

do we need do the step on doin unlocking devices?

btw thanks iamme, my phone are starting to boot again.. <3

now, kinnda bit scared to upgrade 5.1.1 direct to miui 9:

so i was planing to need assistant my step plan like :

Curent Miui Version :
8| 6.9.8 | beta miui pro
twrp old version

can i flash this stuff from the start ?
(This is a universal twrp for MI4C, works on both lollipop and nougat bootloader TWRP 3.1.1 for libra/aqua)
do we have threads from upgrade MIui 5.1.1 lolipop to latest Xiaomi miui 9 ?

do we need do the step on doin unlocking devices?

btw thanks iamme, my phone are starting to boot again.. <3

now, kinnda bit scared to upgrade 5.1.1 direct to miui 9:

so i was planing to need assistant my step plan like :

Curent Miui Version :
8| 6.9.8 | beta miui pro
twrp old version


1. Flash new TWRP (works on both lollipop and nougat bootloader TWRP 3.1.1 for libra/aqua ) << can i use this ?
2. Flash

(MUST BE on ROM 6.1.12 & type fastboot oem unlock)
Go to TWRP
install 7.2.9 libra-aqua_firmware_7.2.9.zip) flash with TWRP TeamSuperluminal
Flash new TWRP (works on both lollipop and nougat bootloader TWRP 3.1.1 for libra/aqua )

Flash LATEST room on Weekly miui.eu
Flash SuperSU.2.8.2

clear dalvik
clear cache

reboot system

wait 90 minutes

Done ??
Anyone successful ?
Successfull in what?

I just (last friday) went from stable, with, back to 6.1.22, then 7.2.9, installed new TWRP 3.1.1, then 7.9.21 all without problems.

Funny thing is, that bootloader never got locked. Tho I have been at android 7.0 before, but battery was so bad I went back to lollipop and that time bootloader got locked.
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1. transfer 6.12.22 to phone
2. boot to TWRP MAKE FULL BACKUP! STORE THIS TO COMPUTER OR OTHER SECURE PLACE! and install 6.12.22, wipe dalvic&cache
3. boot to 6.12.22
4. transfer 7.2.9 firmware to phone
5. boot to TWRP and install 7.2.9, wipe dalvic&cache
6. boot to 7.2.9
7. transfer 7.9.21 to phone
8. boot to fastboot, use "fastboot flash recovery twrp.img" "fastboot boot twrp.img" in commmandline of your comp to install new TWRP 3.1.1
9. boot to TWRP and install 7.9.21, wipe dalvic&cache
10. boot to your brand new miui 9, wait for it to start may take like 15 mins or so.

Yes you can skip some parts if you like, but this is the "fool proof" method.
Remember you can always check if your phone is unlocked from fastboot by typing "fastboot oem device-info", and unlock if nesessary.
Needed files:
https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=137906 (6.12.22)
https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=457095661767138866 (7.2.9 firmware)
https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=206831 (TWRP 3.1.1)
https://devs-lab.com/download-minimal-adb-fastboot-tool.html (ADB & Fastboot minimal setup)
And latest beta from https://xiaomi.eu/community/forums/miui-weekly-rom-releases.103/ (miui 9 betas)

Edit. if you dont know how to use fastboot to install TWRP, you must first unlock your bootloader with tool you get from Xiaomi, and after you have succesfully applied for the unlock. You use commandline of your computer, go to fastboot install directory, while you phone is attached to computer and booted to fastboot mode (volumedown and power, untill you see fastboot reading at your screen)
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