MiFlash error "failed (error reading sparse file) error sending sparse cust"


4 Jul 2023
I am using Xiaomi EU 14 latest version for Redmi Note12 4G (tapas_Global), rooted with Magisk Delta with LXposed. I was switching to MIUI Global ROM because my bank (GoTyme Bank) always says something about my phone being unsafe environment (verbatim, I can't remember exactly it says) and the app won't let me login.

So I downloaded and installed latest version for MiFlash, I also added a folder named "log" inside the directory of MiFlash
Installed every driver required for it to run
I put all the rom files for tapas_Global inside C:\MIFLASH\redminote12
I hit refresh in MiFlash and my device showed up while in fastboot
Then I press flash with clean all and lock option
All is going well but when it was around 327 seconds it showed up an error being "failed (error reading sparse file) error sending sparse cust"

After that, I searched around and what I read is that maybe this error occured because I have a Ryzen CPU?

Now I let my phone battery empty and when I plugged in the charger it booted into Xiaomi Recovery Mode (I don't have TWRP installed) and in the Recovery Mode at the bottom it has a text with red font "fs_mgr_mount_all"

I hope someone can help me fix this because I don't think the phone is dead (or bricked, yet). Does anyone encountered this before? I appreciate anyone reading this and help me, thank you!
How did you get on?

Did you just start again via factory reset & then flashing Miui Stable Global Fastboot Rom?